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You're invited!
To the wedding of

Elizabeth 'lizzie' Jenna saltzman
Jennifer 'Jen' mai ryles

On Monday, June 17th

Two thousand And thirty-six

Silver queen wedding chapel
Hope all is well, come or Lizzie will give you hell.


Hope groaned and threw the invitation onto the side. The girl had tons of work last night and she wakes up to Lizzie inviting her to some wedding, the girl haven't seen her in ages—5 years—but it still felt like ages.

The auburn haired girl had certainty that she wasn't going to go, she had other things she had to do, like working on her job, she was an artist, she worked for herself but one of the biggest and richest women and person in the whole industry, she was making more money than doctors, and that was mostly because she was born rich.

Hope—Andrea—mikaelson, well known for all her names, Hope because that obviously was her name and Andrea because when Hope started the company she had her fellow co-workers call her that. Of course mikaelson was the best name there was because it had so much money to the name.

When Hope was fully awake, she scammed through her phone to see a photo of Jen and Lizzie on her feed, captioned: can't wait to marry this one.. she's had my heart since day one and can't wait to make many more years with her! Hope to see you all at the wedding, and all kisses from the Ryles family.

Hope almost threw up in her mouth, not that she was jealous—who the hell is she kidding? Of course she was jealous, she was so jealous that she had no chance of such luck at love when she left mystic falls, just the same old thing repeating itself.

Now the 24 year old auburnette lived in a penthouse in New York, it was the most expensive house there, it was henriks old house when he was living it big with his ex boyfriend, now he passed it on to Hope, the girl had more than 3 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms and no one to share it with.. and she hated kids so that wasn't an option.

Hope saw kids as slimy human things that are just walking sperm cells. Hope was more of a puppy person, she didn't see what was the difference between the two. Kids were just more annoying.

She was enjoying her life by herself but sometimes it gets boring.

Speaking of puppies. "MELIO!" Hope yelled before her yorkie dog ran up her and jumped up at her. "Hey buddy." Hope says before she stroked his fur.

Hope gave him a treat and smiled, the treat of course was for him to maintain his breath.

Before Hope could have more quality time with melio, she got a message sent to her phone.

Hope picked up her phone and looked at her Instagram.. she had got a message from Jen.

Jen: Hello hope, I'm contacting you because I was forced to by my fiancé, Lizzie, as you may know. I don't have much family besides my brother Ben, and his two kids, my dad won't be there because sadly he doesn't want any part in my relationship with Elizabeth.

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