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Typical Thursday morning, Hope loved those, it was the day she would have 3 free periods and that was all her last periods which meant she could go home early.

Only problem was she didn't want to go home. She didn't want to go just yet because Josie still wasn't talking to her.

"I didn't fully decide Josie." Hope lied.

Hayley sighed and walked away from the door, she didn't want to intrude anymore than she already had.

"You know what, you don't have to tell me about your life, I mean I am no one anyways, to you." Josie says before she got up and started to make her exit.

Hope scoffed "oh come on jo, you're everything to me."

The auburn haired girl couldn't stop replaying the night before in her head, it just played, over and over again.

She wasn't mad at Josie for whatever reason because the girl had a point but she was mad.

Hope had been looking all over for Josie but no one had seemed to know where she was.

Josie didn't skip school, so where could she be?


"Hey babe," Jen says as she walked up and pecked Lizzie on the lips.

The blonde smiled into the kiss but quickly broke away. "We need to come up with a plan to get Josie and hope together, you didn't hear it from me but hope is moving and this isn't going to work out for the best of them. They are so confusing and as much as I want them together I don't know if it's going to honestly work out in our favor."

"I don't think we should get involved into this, how they want to live their life is how they should, we shouldn't get into this whole thing with them because it's none of our business."

Lizzie smiled and cupped Jen's face "aw, you're so cute."

Jen raised her eyebrow "you aren't going to let this go.. are you?"

"Not even if it takes me 50 years to get these hoes together." Lizzie assured before pecking Jen on the lips and walking to her next class.

Jen sighed, she knew that this was all going to go south.


"Have you seen Josie?" Hope asked as she raised her eyebrow.

The auburn haired girl had been looking all over for Josie and she has yet to find her.

Lizzie shook her head "I haven't seen her but if I do see her, I'll text you and let you know." The blonde said truthfully.

Hope nodded and smiled "thank you, Lizzie." The shorter girl said before walking off.


Josie was standing at her locker and she took out all of her stuff, she was planning on skipping the last 2 classes because she wasn't in the mood for school.

Honestly, school was her get away place but yet it was so boring and she honestly didn't fancy it that much.

"Hey Josie." Landon says as he walked up to her.

Josette rolled her eyes and put her book in her bag. "I don't have time for you.. I have things I have to do and I won't waste my time on you." She says as she tried to hurry up and take the bag but Landon just took a step closer. "I'm not in for your bullshit, Landon, just leave me alone before I give you another black eye." Josie threatened.

Landon chuckled "I hope you didn't think that...Hope was off the hook, I heard about her moving, you know.. the word gets around pretty quickly but if you don't go out with me again and make us the best couple again—for school and fame purposes—I'll still leak the thing with hope to her new school, I have connections." Landon assured.

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