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The next morning was normal for Josie. She woke up and she got ready to do her normal things, brushing her teeth, taking a shower.. the usual. What wasn't usual to her was the voices that lead from downstairs. Once Josie was done with everything she got ready and she went downstairs towards the noise.

"I would love to start today after school but I have practice right after that. Although, I can help on Saturdays and sundays, and any time after 6 on a weekday" a voice assured

Josie was taken back when she heard this voice, it was a voice that she's heard before but she couldn't put the face to the name.

"How about from 7-8 on weekdays, I wouldn't want to keep you pass your dinner time and you can work on Saturdays, me and my family are always busy at churches on sundays" Caroline assured as she took a pen out of the kitchen counter.

Josie was now standing at the tip of the bottom stair case and she could now place the face and voice. "Hope?" Josie called as both auburnette and blonde looked over at her "what are you doing in my house?" Josie slumped her shoulders.

Hope smiled "well hello there Josette, I had no idea this was your house" Hope scratched her earlobe.

Caroline looked at the two suspicious but quickly shook it off "I was just telling Hope here that she can help out around the house, it's community service work to get her hours up if she wants to pass her grade without summer work" Caroline she explained from Josie's curiosity.

Josie nodded, she walked over to the fruit basket and grabbed an apple. "I'll see you for a tour later, hope." Josie says as she walked over to the door.

"I can take you.." Hope spoke up before looking over at Josie.

Caroline had zoned them out, she went for her coffee and started scrolling through Instagram.

The brunette stared at Hope with an blank look. She didn't know what the girl wanted but she didn't know if she liked hopes vibe, something about Hope made Josie feel something, something weird, maybe.. awkwardness?

Josie was so shocked it was as if she was robbed from speech. "So.. can I take you to school?" Hope asked as Josie reached down and grabbed Her book bag.

Hope eyes followed Josie's every move, Josie felt as if the older girls gaze was impaling though her skin. "I have practice after school, so I'm most likely going to smell and it would bring me misery to put you through it" Josie voice was soft and delicate.. Hope liked that for some reason.

"I'll drive you there and back, it's not a problem and I have to stop by there anyways" Hope pointed out.

Josie raised her eyebrow "you would have to take a shower before you get here, which means you would have to drop me off and then go home and change and then turn around and drive back here, it's too much and I won't have you go though that when you could just go straight home and then towards my house." Josie pointed out

Caroline picked up her bagel and took a bite before she scrolled through Instagram some more. "If Hope brings some clothes then she can just change here, it's not a problem" Caroline pointed out as her eyes glanced up from her phone and then back down.

Hope smiled before she took out her phone, she quickly texted her mom before she shoved her phone back in her pocket. "Not a problem, we should get going or we'll be late for school" Hope says before she took Josie's hands in hers and dragged them towards her car.

They were met with hopes Honda. Josie was a little stunned because the car wasn't anything like Josie's. Sure a Honda was average but Josie didn't own anything like it.. not even close. If the girl asked her dad for something like it but he would most likely say it was too expensive so the brunette wouldn't bother to ask.

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