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The auburnette didn't know if she heard what she heard correctly.

"What did you say Josie?" Hope asked in a more calming voice.

After hearing what Josie just heard, the brunette was unsure if she even wanted to reveal what she said, she had so much going on in her life and if Josie really thought about, she doesn't know how she would be able to be the supportive girlfriend or even friend to Hope right now.

"I just said that I like you, you know, as a friend. I just thought you should know that" Josie lied as she looked down at her fingers.

Hope nodded "oh" hopes voice was gone, she didn't know how she was going to handle this after she felt her heart shatter.

Nik climbed down the stairs and waddled to the fridge.

"W-What did you say?" Josie asked in a whisper trying to see if she heard correctly.

Hope looked up at Josie who still was looking down at her fingers. "Your father, him and Landon kept this secret that they both were into guys, and it was mostly because Alaric was ashamed of it but Landon.. well he's even more sick than Alaric." Hope admits

Nik closed the fridge and waddled upstairs with his juice box. Josie smiled as she watched him make his way upstairs.

Hope was confused at what Josie was smiling at. "Why do you think he's more sick than my father?" Josie looked over at Hope.

That was a huge mistake, she could feel the flusters and butterflies filling up in her stomach just by the sudden contact with the older girl. Josie's face heated up with a blush appearing on it "he's in love with Alaric but with the stuff that we found, Alaric doesn't like him that way, unless there is something that I don't know about." Hope pointed out.

Josie nodded "I think that's enough for today, I know I should be surprised and angry at this news, but I don't have the energy to waste on them." Josie admits.

"Before you leave, I want to tell you that we have the project thing due tomorrow and I'm almost halfway done with it, I was wondering if you were going to take it home and finish it" Hope voice sounded unsure.

"Yeah sure, I have to get home anyways, I have family dinner that my father is going to be mad at me for missing, so I should go." Josie admits.

Hope nodded with a soft smile "let me go get the stuff." Hope says before she quickly ran up the stairs.

Soon the older girl ran back downstairs, and she handed the stuff to Josie. "We had all weekend and if I fail this I could be in danger of my grades as my last school and senior year, so please try and do this for me" Hope says as her fingers slipped against Josie's when Hope gave Josie the paper.

Josie blushed a bit "Uh, you can count on me, gal." Josie cringed immediately. She didn't know why she felt so nervous all of a sudden.

"Well, I'm really tired, so I should get to bed" Hope scratched her nose before putting her hand into her pocket. "Have a good night, Josie." Hope walked over to the house door and Josie waved before she left out.


The next day Hope paced in front of Josie's locker trying her best to find the courage to stay. She wanted to stay and to talk with Josie but she also didn't want to make josie feel uncomfortable.

Hope finally stopped pacing around and she spotted the brunette walking down the hallway. The brunettes gaze was on her phone more than they were even on where she was walking. Josie was so distracted by her phone that she didn't even notice Hope was at her locker until Hope cleared her throat.

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