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When Hope got home her mother was there, and she was really happy that Hayley was. She haven't really sat down to have a conversation with her mom in a long time and she was thinking that they could, at least talk about something.

"Hey sweetheart, how was your day?" Hayley asked before taking out the food.

Hope smiled "it was terrible, and I wish we could move back to New Orleans, what about you?" Hope said

Hayley raised her eyebrow "my day was fine, now back to you, what's wrong?" Hayley asked as she turned her attention to nothing but her daughter that sat right in front of her.

Hope took a deep sigh before she sat at the table that was placed by the counter top. "Nothing much, and it's nothing to worry about" The auburnette voice was prevaricated.

Hayley didn't fully believe her but she also didn't want to push Hope into talking when she didn't want to, that isn't the type of mom that Hayley is.

Hayley just nodded before grabbing some
plates out of the cabinets. "Your dad is going to be home in any moment, we are having a family dinner for the first time in forever, is there anything you want him to pick up on his way home?" Hayley asked

Hope shook her head "I don't need anything, I'm all set" Hope smiled before she quickly started to help her mother with the dishes.


Soon the door bell rung and Hope ran to open it. She was expecting her father but she saw Josie and Landon.

"What are you two doing at my house?" Hope asked

Josie chewed on her bottom lip "I came to see you, I wanted to know if you were doing fine" Josie admits

"I'll talk to you later josette, my father will be here at any moment." Hope says as she tried to push them out of the door.

Landon stopped the door from shutting and Hope glared at him "get the hell off my door" Hope practically growled

Soon a car pulled up in hopes driveway and Landon looked from Hope and then back at the car before pulling Josie away.

Josie frowned but didn't stop Landon. Hope sadly looked at the pair before turning her gaze to her father and smiling.

The next day after school Hope was determined to get answers out of Landon and she was going to whether she had to slap him against a couple of walls or even throw a few punches.

Landon saw Hope approaching him and he rolled his eyes "Why the hell are you bothering me?" Landon asked as stopped in front of his locker.

Hope glared at him "I don't like the way you are treating Josie. I know what you've done with her father but I can only assume that they are only unpleasant things, I have you know that I can report this to the police" Hope crossed her arms

Landon raised his eyebrows "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU IMPLYING?" Landon asked before he let out a scoff.

While Landon comment was impertinent, hopes remained demure. "What's with the shoes switching? Why the hell were you and mr.saltzman in his office, better yet, alone?" Hope asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Landon shook his head "you're a sick fuck! That's my future father-in-law! I hope you know that Josie won't like this fucking assumption, and I'm sure she wouldn't want to be your friend at all after she finds out about this" Landon scoffed before

Hope chuckled a bit "you didn't answer my question, that makes you seem so much more guiltier, I wonder what Josie's going to think about this" Hope grinned

Josie then walked up to the pair "think about what?" Josie asked as she shoved her fingers into her back pocket.

Landon rolled his eyes before turning over to his girlfriend. "Your friend here was implying that I've done disgusting things with your father and even said that she was going to break us up" Landon half lied

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