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"H-hey Hope.. what are you doing here?" Josie asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Hope smiled as she felt her heart sting, she was very nervous but she also didn't want to let it be shown. "I'm here for the wedding.. oh my gosh, you look so amazing." The auburn haired girl muttered the last part and walked up the stairs.

Josie smiled softly. "I've missed you" Josie pulled Hope into a tight hug.

Hope smiled and wrapped her arms around Josie's waist before she pulled her tighter so that their bodies were almost one.

"I've missed you too." Hope admits before she felt Josie face nudge into her neck. "I really missed you." The shorter girl whispered.

They both decided to pull away from the hug. "We need to catch up after the wedding, my mothers coming to watch Jenna and-"

"Jenna?" Hope asked

Josie chewed on her bottom lip "my niece, she's adorable. We should get inside, I can't be late as the maid on honor." Josie says before she brushed her thumb against hopes cheek.

Hope closed her eyes and leaned into Josie's touch before she opened her eyes again.

Josie missed this feeling, she missed it but then there was fear that crossed her mind. Fear that her feelings hadn't went away at all.

"I should get going, but I'll see you inside." Josie assured before she turned around and walked inside the building. "You look very pretty in that tux by the way, sexy, I'll say." Josie said it in a joking matter. The brunette then closed the door and carried on her journey to the wedding.

Hope didn't feel like it was a joke, Hope really loved the compliment, especially when her body warmed up with butterflies.


Hope sat in the farthest back, in the aisle row, when one of Lizzie's bridesmaids walked out.

Hope enjoyed the show if she was being honest, it was so far a lovely ceremony.

Soon the brunette was revealed and that's what Hope wanted all along, that's what she's been waiting for, she didn't care about Lizzie, even if it was her wedding.

Before the brunette started to walk down the aisle, she searched the crowd and she met eyes with Hope. The girl sighed from relief and continued her way down the aisle.

Soon Grayson and Jenna came out as she dazzled bits and pieces of the flowers onto the ground, and he carried the prized possession. it was so lovely, the only part that wasn't working out for the best was Lizzie wanting it to go a little faster, she was impatient and she hadn't see Jen all week.

Grayson—The saltzman twins baby cousin—was the rings man, he had made his way to the aisle before the flower girl as planned. Once they walked up to Jen with the rings, Lizzie started making her way down the aisle, her uncle gave her off to Jen, it wasn't as planned and of course Lizzie was pissed at that but it didn't mean that the show couldn't go on.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to join these women, in matrimony."

Lizzie sniffled. "Don't cry Lizzie." Jen whispered

Lizzie shook her head "I'm not going to cry," the blonde voice filled up with sorrow, as a tear slide down her face.

Jen used her thumb to wipe away the tear.

"Shall I continue?"

Lizzie nodded "yes, I wasn't crying, my eyes are just sweaty."

Josie smiled at her sister's silliness. "If you guys have your own vows you may say them now."

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