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Hope got home and she was stressed out. She couldn't believe the day she was having. It was truly amazing for her actually, usually she always had free time and she was bored. Hope got home around 9 which she knew her parents weren't home. Hopes mom was most likely down at freyas and keelins house who she always visited when they came to mystic falls and Niklaus, hopes father, was at his new job that had outrageous working hours.

So Hope was left at home by herself with nothing but a frozen TV dinner that she had to warm up in the microwave because she didn't want to or felt like making some magnificent meal. The auburnette just took her TV dinner and laid on her bed watching some boring old tv.


"How's my favorite son in law?" Alaric asked as he patted Landon on the back.

Landon smiled "I'm wonderful, although I've been missing my favorite person in the whole world." Landon admits before he sat down right next to Alaric.

Lizzie was watching in disgust as Josie sat on the other side of them. "That's great to hear because I've missed you." Alaric smiled.

"It's wonderful to see you, Landon." Stefan says as he sat beside Caroline.

Landon rolled his eyes. Landon and Stefan never really got along. Stefan always thought (and still do) think that Landon was no good for Josie. He never really liked Alaric and Landon's bond because it was so shady and weird.

"I wouldn't say the same to you, Stefan." Landon pointed out.

Stefan was about to say something but Josie saw the tension rising up. "Okay everyone, why don't we talk about our day?" Josie spoke up

Lizzie cleared her throat "I'll start first!" She said happily "today I got asked out by one of the hottest girls in school" Lizzie smiled brightly.

Everyone grew silent, Josie looked over at her father and then down at her plate.

The young blonde was the only one confused in why they were all silent, of course nine times out of ten, Lizzie didn't give a fuck, but this 1 time she actually wanted know the sudden mood changes.

"Did you guys hear me?" Lizzie asked as she took a bit of her food.

Alaric cleared his throat. "We heard you loud and clear. All that matters is what did you say to this girl? And what's her name?" Alaric asked as his started to clench his fist.

"Her name is Jen, she's uhh.. really cool and-"

"That's not what I asked. I asked you to tell me what you said in direct to what she said." Alaric crossed his arms.

Lizzie fumbled on her words. "I-I... I told her that we can go out, it was nothing harmless-"

Alaric slammed his hand on the table "harmless? You are going to let a girl ruin your life because you thought it was harmless?" Alaric asked

"It's not a big deal" Caroline pointed out as Stefan nodded his head to show he agreed.

Alaric scoffed and pushed his chair back. "Not a big deal? This is a sin! So god help me, you will reject her offer and you will find someone nice! And by someone I mean a man! Hell, I even approve of Sebastian for the lord of heavens. Everyone knows that a women should only be with a man and a man should only be with a women, do I make myself clear?" Alaric asked

Stefan scoffed "shut up asshole, she can love who ever the hell she wants, it may be a sin but you out of all people should know that god can forgive you for your sins,"

Landon then joined in on the conversation. "I agree with Alaric,"

"Oh shut up dipshit! You kiss up to alarics ass every day and I won't allow this.. bad enough I don't like how you are with Josie now you side with Alaric, who not only is miserable, but tries to bring down his own daughter from finding love, you both make me sick" Stefan spat out.

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