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There was something thick in the air when you woke that morning. It wasn't physical, you couldn't see it, but you could feel it. Something was coming, and you could feel that it was going to change everything. It stayed with you as your brother went to work and you helped your mother with her slave chores.

"Y/N," your mother, Shmi, called from the hovel doorway. "Time to come inside, there's a sandstorm coming."

"I'll be right in!" You responded.

As you finished cleaning up, you gasped. Someone was coming closer, and they were powerful. A power you have only ever felt in Anakin. You looked up to see Anakin leading a group toward you. You quickly ran inside, ignoring your mother's questions about what's wrong.

"Mom! Mom!" Anakin shouted as he entered the hovel with the group that was following him. "I'm home."

"Dissen cozy," the strange looking one with the long, floppy ears stated.

Shmi exited her work area only to be startled by the room full of people. You watched from behind a wall.

"Oh, my!" Shmi exclaimed. "Ani, what's this?"

"These are my friends, mom," Anakin answered. "This is Padme," he pointed to the young woman, "and... gee, I don't know any of your names."

"I'm Qui-Gon Jinn," the older man responded. You could tell that he was the one you seemed to be sensing. "And this is Jar Jar Binks."

Qui-Gon pointed to the strange creature. A droid beeped from beside them, having gone unnoticed by you until then. As you stared at the droid, Qui-Gon noticed you. He could immediately sense something strong within you, easier than he had with Anakin.

"And our droid, R2D2," Padme added.

"I'm building a droid," Anakin stated excitedly. "You wanna see?"

"Anakin," Shmi called for her son's attention. "Why are they here?"

"Your son was kind enough to offer us shelter," Qui-Gon responded, finally turning his focus back to the others.

"Come on!" Anakin said as he took Padme's hand. "Let me show you 3PO!"

Anakin pulled Padme passed Y/N and into another room. R2 followed. Qui-Gon digged into a his utility belt and pulled out five small capsules, handing them over to Shmi.

"I have enough food for a meal," Qui-Gon told her.

"Oh, thank you," Shmi said. "Thank you so much. I'm sorry if I was abrupt. I'll never get used to Anakin's surprises."

"He's a very special boy."

You watched as your mother looked at Qui-Gon as if he had discovered some sort of secret.

"Yes," she said softly. "I know."

Qui-Gon's eyes found yours. You watched cautiously as he took a few steps towards you and then crouched down.

"Hello," he greeted. "I am Qui-Gon Jinn. What's your name?"

"Y/N," you whispered.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N." He smiled. He could sense your Force signature studying his, even though he was sure that you had absolutely no idea that you were doing that.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your brother was kind enough to offer us shelter from the sandstorm."

You shook your head. "That's not what I mean." You stepped out from behind the wall and scowled at the man in front of you. "What are you doing here on Tatoonie?"

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