sixty seven

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The planet was green and foggy. At least that is what you could tell from above. You could sense the Force on the planet as you neared it. It had a strong presence and you knew that it couldn't just be because of Yoda. Gradually, you descended your ship down to the surface. You had to be careful as the fog was thick and the forest was tall. The fighter shook as the tree branches suddenly appeared through the fog and slammed into the aircraft.

"Kriff!" You muttered as you fought to keep the fighter steady.

The ground was there before you could properly land your ship. You came to a sliding stop in the wetland.

"Well, I've definitely been through worse landings," you told yourself.

You opened up the top of the ship before pulling off your helmet. Looking around, you took in the fog-filled, musty surface of Dagobah. It was far off from the glistening walls of the Jedi Temple that you were used to searching for Yoda in, but it felt like he would easily fit in here. You glanced down at your waist, checking to see if your lightsabers were there. Yours was always kept on your right hip, while Obi-Wan's sat unused on your left. Taking a deep breath, you pushed yourself up out of the seat and climbed out of the ship.

You looked around, trying to sense which way to go. It was weird. The Force was pulling you in every direction, like no matter which way you chose to go, it would be the right one. Studying the ground, you found a less muddy path and chose to follow it. You made your way from your ship and into the trees.

As you ventured further into the swampy forest, the Force grew thicker. Your hand found your lightsaber, unclipping it from your hip so that you could grip it tightly in your hand. With each step, the Force grew darker. You were also beginning to feel like you were being watched. A twig snapped behind you. You ignited your lightsaber and spun around. Suddenly, you were no longer in the forest. It didn't take you long to realize that you were in the throne room on Mandalore. The last time you had been there was when Satine died, over twenty years ago.

"I guess you weren't as special to the Council as I thought," Maul's voice taunted. You spun around, trying to find where he was. "Or, you were, but you were a disappointment."

"Show yourself, coward!" You demanded angrily.

Maul cackled. "Your hatred consumes you. You will fall into the dark side just as your brother did."

You growled. "You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Don't I?"

You could feel Maul right behind you. You shouted out as you raised your lightsaber and spun around. Just as you were about to strike through Maul, the whole scene faded and you were back in the forest. Your lightsaber sliced through a tree, causing it to fall. Your heart was pounding, and breaths labored. The darkness inside you was louder now. Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to center yourself in the Force.

"Calm your mind, young one," Qui-Gon's voice filled your senses. "Your emotions are overwhelming you." These were not new words, yet old and familiar. "Take a deep breath in." You followed the instructions. "And out..." You did so. "Close your eyes and clear your mind."

Your eyes snapped open and searched the area for Master Qui-Gon. Your shoulders sagged slightly in disappointment when you realized that your mind was just replaying a memory. One from when you were nine and you woke up in a panic, causing Qui-Gon to have to try to help you.

Shaking your head, you looked around at the forest again. What was this place? And why was it playing tricks on you? You decided to try and push your memories away while you continued through the forest, trying to find one of your former Masters.

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