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Besides whatever the Force was trying to warn him about, Obi-Wan's worry increased over you. You were clearly getting weaker and weaker with each passing moment. Leia was sensing it too. Leia had placed herself as close to you as possible, holding your hand tightly. Obi-Wan held you steady as the ship shook due to the blasts it was receiving from Vader's star cruiser.

"Hyperdrive's almost ready," Roken stated, coming back into the room. He looked at Sully. "Move all power to the rear shields. We'll head for Tessen. Get you out from there."

Obi-Wan's brows furrowed. He could sense something off with Roken. Slowly and carefully, Obi-Wan maneuvered you to lie down on the bench as he stood.

"Obi..." you called, confused as to why he was leaving your side.

"I'm going to see if they need my help," he whispered, placing a kiss on your head. He looked at Leia. "Watch her?"

"I will," Leia replied with a nod.

Obi-Wan followed after Roken. "We're not gonna make it to Tessen, are we?"

"Motivator's shot," Roken responded in a whisper.. "Power couplings are bad. I'm workin' on it, but those shields won't last forever."

"How much time do you need?" The ship shook as it was hit.

"More than we have."

Slowly, he turned back to where you, Leia, and the crowd were. He noticed Leia comforting a nearby boy with her droid, Lola. He smiled softly as he went over and crouched down in front of her.

"They're scared," Leia told him. "She keeps their minds off of it."

"Maybe I should borrow her too," Obi-Wan replied with a kind expression.

He then told her the plan he formed to distract Vader. You were listening though you were too weak to respond, and Obi-Wan knew it.

"No! No way!" Leia yelled. "You can't just leave me here!"

"I'm the one that Vader wants," Obi-Wan said calmly. "If I go, he will follow."

"I'm not letting you!" She gripped onto you as she pulled away from him.

"Leia, please."

"Wait, what happened to all of us staying together?" A woman asked, having easily overheard the conversation.

"Roken needs more time to fix the ship. This will give him that time. You've spent ten years protecting the Jedi. This is my chance to return that favor."

"But we're so close," Roken argued.

"Roken, you know this plan makes sense."

"No, we need you!" Sully retorted.

"It'll buy you the time you need. You must get these people out of here. You are all the future. You are the future. You're what needs to survive."

"No," Leia said, storming off.


Haja stood up and got in front of Obi-Wan. "I find she needs to be given space," he said. "Just—"

"You must promise me that you'll get her home, Haja." He glanced back at you. "That you will get them both home. As soon as I'm in the clear."

"You have my word. Although, I know the word of a liar and a fake Jedi may not mean much to you."

"It's good enough for me." Obi-Wan turned around and came over to you. He knelt beside you. "My little star," he whispered, tearing up. "I am so sorry... Haja will get you and Leia to Alderaan and I will join you as soon as I can."

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