fifty six

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From here on out, Obi-Wan will continue to look like Ewan McGregor's version. First of all, Obi-Wan is only supposably 57 years old in "A New Hope" and Alec Guinness' version looks much older than that. Second, I started writing this fic because I love Ewan McGregor. Alec is a great actor too, but this fic isn't his. Thank you for understanding. 


Time seemed to move slowly as you and Obi-Wan lived your quiet lives on Tatooine. Your time was spent together mostly; going into town, checking on Luke, cooking, cleaning, talking, reading, and taking care of each other in various ways. The two of you were really only separated when Obi-Wan was learning more from Master Qui-Gon.

Your connection with the Force, including your abilities, was slowly dimming as you weren't using them. The only thing truly connecting you to the Force still was your bond with your husband. Obi-Wan could feel your connection dimming and had started to grow concerned but didn't know how to bring it up without upsetting you. He feared, as he could sense that you would both need the Force in the future, that you would be unprepared and that there would be a chance he could lose you physically because of it. Obi-Wan couldn't let that happen. He wished to die before you did as he believed that you could survive and push on better than he would without you. The ten years of separation after Order 66 proved that in Obi-Wan's mind.

You were currently sound asleep in the safety of Obi-Wan's arms. He was holding you close to him as he tried to study you the best you could. The years had been kinder to you appearance-wise than they had him. But it didn't necessarily matter because Obi-Wan knew he would love you no matter what you looked like. His beautiful little star. He was so lucky to have you, even if having you hasn't been easy. The constant separation over and over again could have really strained the relationship—the bond—you both shared, but it only made you stronger and appreciate the precious time the two of you had together.

You let out a soft moan as you cuddled into Obi-Wan more, still clearly asleep. Obi-Wan smiled lightly before holding a kiss to your head. It was the still, quiet times like this that Obi-Wan loved the most. Where he could just hold you close and not have to worry about the craziness happening in the galaxy around you. Obi-Wan figured out that you were awake when he felt a light kiss tickle his bearded chin.

"Good morning, Obi," you mumbled, still sleepy.

"Morning, my little star," Obi-Wan responded. He moved his head to capture your lips with his for a brief but loving kiss.

After the sweet gesture, your eyes finally opened more. You took in the man before you. One of your hands came up and combed some of his longer pieces back. You huffed a smile out as you noticed more grey and white pieces growing in.

"What is it?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"Your hair," you said softly.

"Is it too long? I have been thinking—"

"No, it's fine. You're just getting more grey and white."

"I am an old man, little star."

"You are not that old, Obi. You're in your fifties."

"Late fifties, sweetheart."

"Doesn't matter. You're still attractive looking to me."

"Even with my ever-growing grey hair?"

"Even with the grey hairs." You pressed a light kiss to his lips. "I will always love you."

"And I will always love you more."


After a little more time cuddled up in bed, Obi-Wan and yourself got ready for the day. You took care of things around the house as Obi-Wan went off to train with Master Qui-Gon, not leaving you without a kiss first. It was well into the afternoon when Obi-Wan came back into the house with a determined look in his eye.

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