thirty seven

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AUTHOR'S NOTE - PLEASE READ: Please remember that this is fan fiction. Just because something works or doesn't work a certain way in canon, doesn't mean it's that way with a fan fiction. Just because something doesn't happen or does happen in canon, doesn't mean it's that way with a fan fiction. That is one of the joys of fan fiction. The author gets to slightly reinvent the world they are writing in. They get to make the choices in the fan fiction. If you don't like the choices a writer as made, they do not read the work. (Especially when it is given to you for free.) Also remember that there is a real person behind the fics you read. A real person who spends their time writing and puts their heart and soul into their heart. A real person who has feelings and a life outside of this.


You and Anakin were breathing heavily as you circled each other, lightsabers drawn. You had been dueling for quite some time, both equally matched with no clear winner in sight. Sweat was running down your faces as you both were using all the energy you had.

Ahsoka had left the day before. Anakin wasn't taking it well and you were having a hard time with the Council, making both of you need to get your frustrations out.

"I've never dueled with you where you've shown such aggression, Y/N/N," Anakin commented. "Guess you've watched me too much. The Council would greatly disapprove of it."

"Yeah, well—" You lunged forward and hit your saber against his, "I don't care."

Channeling all your power, you kicked your leg out and successfully kicked him in the side, distracting him enough to disarm him. His lightsaber hilt came flying into your hand. You aimed both the sabers at him.

"At least I'm a winner," you taunted.

"Are you so sure?" He questioned.

Anakin kicked his leg out to try and swipe your feet from under you. You jumped up and flipped over him. You came against his back and aimed the blades so close to his throat that he could feel the growing heat.

"Are you so sure Ani?" You snarled into his ear.

Anakin tensed at your tone. He had never heard it so dark before. That was very unlike you. You were the light that filled the Temple hallways. The Jedi's hope. He threw his head back, hitting it against yours. You groaned as you stumbled back. Anakin was quick to spin around and use the Force to pin you against one of the pillars. You growled at the impact, angry.

"Seriously, Y/N, I have never felt this from you," Anakin said, "even when we were younger."

He let you down slowly to the floor. You sighed as you turned off the lightsabers and tossed Anakin's back to him.

"I think that everything that has happened in the last couple of years is all finally getting to me," you admitted. "I honestly don't think this war will ever end. And that the Jedi Order will never go back to the way they were again... As peacekeeper... Then there's the Jedi Council..."

"You're now beginning to see what I've seen all along, aren't you?" Anakin questioned. You sighed, not answering. "Obi-Wan and the rest of the Council would advise you to reign in your emotions, especially the newfound anger seeded in you."

"Stop acting like you know anything about what I'm dealing with, Anakin. We've been on different paths since we got to the Order. We lived different lives—still do."

"Yeah, and whose fault is that?"

"You blame me?"

"I wasn't the one who offered to be separated. I would have fought for us to stay together!"

"There wasn't a choice! I was just trying to protect you like I promised mother I'd do!"

"I don't need your protection! I needed you by my side and you left me! You left me!"

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