thirty eight

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You sighed, pushing further back into Obi-Wan as he pressed kisses along your bare skin.

"Good morning, little star," he mumbled against your skin.

"Morning," you muttered tiredly. You could feel Obi-Wan chuckle against you.

"Still not awake, are you?"

"Nope... you woke me up."

"I'm sorry, my dear."

You turned around to bury your face into his chest. "No, you're not."

Obi-Wan kissed your head. "You're right, I'm not."

You pressed a kiss to his chest as Obi-Wan's hands began rubbing up and down your back. The two of you lay there in silence, simply enjoying the quiet moment together. It had been too long since the two of you had been able to share an intimate moment like this; the war constantly getting in the way. After a few minutes, you moved your head up and kissed Obi-Wan.

"I love you," you mumbled against his lips. The kiss began to grow heated and when you had the chance to say something again you took it, "I want to marry you."

"What?" Obi-Wan pulled away so that he could look into your eyes. He was trying to see how serious you were.

"I want to marry you, Obi-Wan... I want more with you than just this secret relationship. I want to be yours forever and for you to be mine forever."

"My little star," Obi-Wan's hands moved to gently hold your face, "there is nothing more in this galaxy that I would want than to marry you." He leaned in and kissed you softly, playfully pulling your bottom lip with him when he pulled away. "I do wish you would have waited a bit longer because I was going to tell you that same thing and give you something."

"You were?"

Obi-Wan turned and pulled open the drawer on his bedside table. He reached in and pulled out a black box. Closing the drawer, he turned back around and held the black box up to you. You slowly took it from him and opened it. You gasped when you saw two matching rings. They were a dark grey with lines twisting in and out of each other.

"I made them out of my old saber," Obi-Wan explained. "The one I had before I was made a Jedi Master on the Council. The one that was with me when we were reunited after ten years."

"Our first mission," you whispered, picking up one of the bands to expect it closer.

"Yes. It was then I realized that I didn't understand how I lived without you. That quickly turned into love—a love so deep in me that I will never be able to let it go."

"How long have you had these?"

"Since just after Zygerria and the educational facility..." You swallowed down the memories. "I've simply been waiting for the right time to show them to you. We've been a bit busy with the war and everything, I wanted to show you them at the perfect moment. I was going to take you up to where we first confessed our love, the top of that apartment building. But I guess you just couldn't wait."

"This is perfect enough." You kissed him. "The rings are beautiful. I'm guessing that one of the rings is for you and the other is for me?"

"That would be correct."

"I love that they are matching." You sighed as you placed the one you were holding back in its spot. "I wish we could wear them."

"But we can." Obi-Wan pulled two necklace chains from the box. "I made this as well. We can wear the rings on them and they are long enough so that the rings are hidden under our robes."

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