eighty nine

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Ben and you found an old, large fighter ship. Despite Ben's insistence on going straight to Exegol, you told him to chart a path to where the Resistance was. You excused yourself to the back of the ship while Ben piloted, allowing yourself time alone to meditate. You could feel a familiar presence in front of you, though you still didn't open your eyes.

"Despite everything that I did to protect you," Obi-Wan spoke up, "I was never going to be able to stop your destiny." He sighed. "You are the Chosen One."

You opened your eyes, giving him a smile small. "You did try your hardest," you responded. "Even in death."

"I never wished that burden upon you."

"I know. And I appreciate everything you did to try and protect me."

"I wish I could do more now."

You sighed. "I can only hope that I will have enough strength to defeat Palpatine once and for all."

Obi-Wan placed a hand on your knee. "You have the strength, you always have. Besides, my little star, I would never let you confront Palpatine alone."

"Thank you." The two of you sat in silence for a moment. "I can't let Ben go to Exegol with me. He's already been through enough."

"Take an escape pod. I can guide you to Exegol."

"You're willing to help me fulfill my destiny?"

He gave you a small smile. "I really don't have much of a choice, do I?" He stood up, taking your hands and pulling you up with him. "I love you, little star" He leaned in and kissed you briefly before disappearing.

"I love you too."

You looked toward the door that would lead you to Ben. You walked into the cockpit and briefly watched Ben flying. He had so much of his grandparents and parents in him. He glanced back at you, having sensed you.

"Is everything alright?" He asked.

"Everything's fine," you responded. You walked forward and sat down in the copilot seat beside him.

"I don't believe you."

You stayed quiet, studying your great-nephew as he piloted. "I know about your bond with Rey." Ben stayed silent. "She talked to me about it for the first time a few months ago. I told her about the bond Obi-Wan and I shared... share, I guess." You chuckled lightly. "I questioned her about something that she ended up refusing to answer."

"What was it?"

"If she loved you... I don't think she realized that I could sense the truth from her already. Just as I can you... You love her in turn."


"Don't try to argue with me, Ben Solo. You know that you've never won an argument with me." You sighed, looking at the stars out of the window in front of you. "The only thing I wish I could go back and change is telling Obi-Wan about my feelings sooner." You looked over at Ben again. "Don't wait until it's too late to share your feelings. I would hate to see that happen to you." Ben stayed silent. "No matter what you've done, Ben, you are still worthy of love." Standing up, you placed a hand on Ben's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "I'll be in the back."

You wished you could explain to him your decision or say goodbye, but he would insist on coming with you and you couldn't allow that. With a deep inhale, you headed for an escape pod. You got yourself situated before taking another deep breath.

"Okay, Obi," you whispered to yourself, "show me the way and, please, buy me some time."


The darkness that was Exegol made you sick. So sick that you thought you were going to vomit. Instead, you breathed deeply and summoned more strength from the Force. You were honestly frightened at the sight of all of those Star Destroyers hovering in the air. There was fog floating between the whips with lightning striking down occasionally. You landed your escape pod and jumped out. It surprised you that you weren't shot down, but that only meant that you were expected.

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