forty six

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Once on Daiyu, Obi-Wan didn't know what to do. All the signals in and out of the planet were blocked so he couldn't find the ship that had brought Leia here. He had asked Qui-Gon for guidance, only to still receive nothing. As Obi-Wan walked the streets, he caught sight of a clone veteran. He was still in his clone armor, an unkept beard growing.

"Spare any credits?" The clone asked, holding out his helmet. Obi-Wan walked over, pulling out a few credits. "Help a veteran get a warm meal."

Obi-Wan was reminded of the clones—Rex, Cody, Crak, Fives, Oddball, and many others. He hated seeing the Empire throw them away. Yes, the clones were bread for one purpose, but that didn't make any of it right. Obi-Wan tossed the credits in the helmet before moving on.

After meeting a man named Haja, pretending to be a Jedi, Obi-Wan was able to find where Leia was being kept. He snuck into a lab and was trying to figure out where Leia was being kept in it.

"Hey," a lab worker called out from behind. Two workers came to Obi-Wan's side. "What are you doing back here?"

"Oh, I seem to have lost my way," Obi-Wan responded, pretending to be clueless.

The lab worker scoffed. "Yeah, well, get back to work."


Obi-Wan threw he elbow back, hitting the shorter working in the face and onto the ground. The taller worker in front of Obi-Wan, punched Obi-Wan in the gut. He groaned before being hit in the face. Obi-Wan's hand went up to his nose as he turned around and dodged a punch from the taller worker. The shorter worker was back on his feet, helping attack Obi-Wan.

The weakened Jedi, dodged a few blows before punching the taller man down. Obi-Wan groaned in pain, having forgotten how much it hurt to punch someone. The shorter man went after Obi-Wan, who dodged the attacks and fought him off with his one hand. Eventually, Obi-Wan caught the man by the neck and leaned into his ear.

"Where's the girl?" Obi-Wan asked quietly.

The man told Obi-Wan that he would find her fuller down in another hall. Obi-Wan knocked the man out before quickly finding his way to the room. He unlocked it and the door slid open. A hooded figure was in the center of the little room.

"Leia," Obi-Wan whispered. "Leia."

He flipped the hood off to reveal an old droid. Two beings came up from behind Obi-Wan, turned him around, and pinned him to the wall, aiming their weapons at him. A man walked in, all cocky.

"I didn't know that Jedi could bleed," the man taunted, seeing blood on Obi-Wan's clothing from the fight. "I'm surprised you fell for it." He chuckled. "I figured you'd be smarter than to risk everything for a spoiled little brat."

The man punched Obi-Wan in the gut, causing him to lurch forward with a groan. One of the one's pinning Obi-Wan down, took Obi-Wan's saber from his belt and handed it to the man.

"The Inquisitor really figured you out," the man stated as he studied the lightsaber in his hand. "She'll be here soon. Then we'll be rich and you'll be dead."

"Where is the girl?" Obi-Wan asked. "She must be close."

"Doesn't matter! You're not getting out of here. You're not a Jedi anymore, Kenobi. You're just a man. And you're bleeding all over my floor."

"Well, everybody bleeds."

He pulled a thing of spice that a girl before had put in his pocket and threw it on the ground. It exploded into the air, making everyone cough. Obi-Wan put a mask on, went over to the man, kneed him in the crotch, and took his lightsaber back. He walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He carefully continued down the hall. He stopped in front of one of the doors and placed his hand on it. Obi-Wan could vaguely sense someone inside. He opened it and stepped in. He was quickly hit by something and notice a girl trying to make a run for it.

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