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It had been months since you had been at the Jedi Temple. You couldn't help but smile as you practically skipped through the halls. You were home and it felt nice. As you turned a corner, Master Yoda caught sight of you. He couldn't help but smile, feeling the light from your Force as it filled the Jedi Temple once again. Even in the harshness of war, you were able to keep that light. It gave the old Master hope, even with the darkness growing and ever looming over everything.

"My Padawan," Yoda said, coming closer to you. "Returned, I see."

"Master Yoda," you smiled as you bowed.

"Good to see you back, it is. Your light is welcoming."

"It is good to be back. It has been too long."

"Where were you off to?"

"I have just been walking around the halls, enjoying being back."

"Come." Yoda began walking away. "Teach the younglings with me, you shall."

You laughed as you followed your Master. "Yes, Master."


Obi-Wan could feel your signature flowing through the Temple as he entered it. He had gotten off his ship exhausted and worn down, but the feeling of your signature lifted some of the weight off of him. Various Jedi greeted him as he swiftly walked down the halls of the Temple. He tried not to be rude as he mumbled greetings back as he passed them. He was focused on finding you. It had been almost two months since he left you on your star cruiser after making sure you would make a full recovery from the blue shadow virus. These long stretches of time that spread between your meetings were surely going to kill him one of these days. That day just wouldn't be today.

It was your laughter than caused Obi-Wan to stumble to a stop. His head cranked toward the beautiful sound again. You were in an open instruction room. Yoda was on one of his hover seats as he watched you interact with the younglings. Each of them had their black-out helmets and a practice lightsaber. You were laughing at something one of them had said, before kindly correcting the youngling. A smile crossed his features as he watched you with a loving gaze. He was smitten by your beauty, strength, and light. Even in the darkness of the war, you had light. You were the light.

As you helped a youngling fix their stance, you could feel a familiar pair of eyes on you. You had felt his signature the moment he landed and tried not to be surprised that he had sought you out almost immediately. Looking up, you smiled at him, sending him a small wave. You were sure you were imagining the red tint to his cheeks as he waved back. You turned your focus back onto the younglings, still feeling his eyes watch your every move.

You knew you had to be careful with your thoughts due to Master Yoda being so near. So you tried to pull your complete focus on the younglings that you were teaching. Yoda though, ever the wise Master, had felt your and Obi-Wan's signatures grow in power and light as Obi-Wan had neared. The Jedi Master grew curious. He had warned the two of you about how your bond could be dangerous and you two also often found yourself on different assignments across the galaxy from each other. Yet, your bond was growing, and it wasn't toward the darkness like he had feared it might. This gave Yoda something to meditate on.

"Younglings! Younglings!" Yoda called, bringing the attention to him. "Enough lessons today."

"Thank you, Master Yoda," the younglings said in unison with a bow.

"Thank your teacher, you must.

The group turned to you and bowed. "Thank you, Master Y/N."

"You are very welcome, my younglings," you smiled. "Now, as you leave, please put your training equipment away neatly."

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