thirty six

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Comfort was the first thing you felt when you started to come to. The familiar comfort of the man you love. The next thing was your wound, pulling every time you breathed. You could tell there was a bacta patch on it. When you finally opened your eyes, you were met with your bedroom ceiling. This confused you. Usually, you'd be in the med center for an injury. You looked over to the side to see that Obi-Wan was sitting on your bed, above your covers. He was fully dressed and intently reading a data pad.

"Why am I not in the med center?" You questioned.

Obi-Wan jumped slightly, unaware that you had woken up. "Darling," a small smile crossed his lips. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine. A little tired."

He nodded. "Makes sense. Besides your injury, you exhausted yourself. You really put up a fight against Maul and his brother. You're lucky the injuries weren't worse."

"How long have I been out?"

"About a day. I was allowed to move you back to your room not too long ago."

"Thank you." You reached up and cupped his cheek. "How are you?"

His brows furrowed at your question. "What do you mean?"

"Satine was killed right in front of you." Your thumb brushed against his beard. "I know that wasn't easy for you."

He sighed as his hand came up to hold onto yours. "Losing Satine is hard, but it is better than losing you... you are constantly keeping me worried."

"I do try."

"It would help me if you would try a little less. I don't know how much my heart can handle."

"Cause you are so safe all the time."

"True, but I do not seem to attract injuries like you do."

"Maybe I just want you to take care of me." You moved your hand to the base of his neck and pulled him in to kiss you.

"You don't need to get injured for me to take care of you." He kissed you again. "All you need is ask."

"Well then, Master Kenobi, can you take care of me?"


In the few weeks that followed the incidents on Mandalore, you did as much meditating as you could. You didn't tell Obi-Wan about how you believed the Chancellor had been on Mandalore and the darkness he carried with him. You knew it would be treason to say something about the Chancellor, especially if you weren't a hundred percent sure. So you kept that piece of information to yourself to ponder on further.

You were on your star cruiser, discussing the last assignment with Commander Crak when the call came in that the Jedi Temple had been bombed. You couldn't get there fast enough. The call didn't go into much detail, since there wasn't much information and it was clear to you that people were afraid it was an inside job. You quickly found out where the bombing had taken place when you tried to land. Dark smoke was still coming out of the hangar. You landed as near to the Temple as you could, noting that Anakin and Ahsoka were doing the same thing. The three of you hopped out of your starfighter and headed for the Jedi Council room.

"They pull you from an assignment too?" Anakin asked.

"Yes," you responded. "My only guess is that the three of us are the most trusted they have that weren't here when the bombing took place. We'll most likely be running the investigation."

When you reached the Jedi Council room, you quickly noted how every Council member was physically in attendance. Your eyes caught Obi-Wan's, his full of worry. You sent him a nod to let him know you were alright. Ahsoka, Anakin, and yourself stood in the center of the room.

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