sixty nine

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"Feel the light within," Yoda guided. "Push out the darkness."

You were floating in the air, meditating. Yoda was guiding you through it while Obi-Wan watched. He had always hated how high you ended up in your meditating state. It was too dangerous, especially now when he couldn't catch you if something happened.

"Let the Force flow inside of you," continued Yoda. "Feel it in our surroundings."

You took a deep, shaky breath. It had been years—decades—since you had used this much strength and done something like this. Your body was starting to form a tremor due to the strain, with sweat forming on your brow.

"Maybe it's time for her to rest," Obi-Wan suggested, growing more concerned for you. "She hasn't done anything like this in far too long and this is clearly pushing it for her."

"I'm fine," you snapped.

Obi-Wan sighed. Clearly, you were still upset at him. It didn't help that he couldn't make physical contact with you. If he could, things would be a lot better already. Oh, what he would give just to be able to brush his lips against yours once again.

"Clear your mind," Yoda advised, sensing the anger growing back quickly.

This did concern the old Jedi Master, but he had trained you and practically raised you. He knew that you were capable of greatness, he had witnessed some of it himself. You would get through this, Yoda was sure of it.

You took a deep breath in, holding it for a few seconds before letting the air back out. Suddenly, you jolted forward as a pained scream filled you. It wasn't your own. It was a man's... Han's...

"Han," you whimpered.

"Y/N?" Obi-Wan was more alert and worried now. He could sense that the Force was showing you something, which never turned out well. "Little star, what's wrong?"

You flinched upon hearing the scream again with the added pain. You gasped, your body shaking with the strain. Squeezing your eyes, you tried to use the Force to figure out what was happening.

"She needs to get down," Obi-Wan said.

"Strong, she is," Yoda answered. "Figure it out, she will."

Obi-Wan shook his head, hating having to stand by and watch. His hand came up to his beard to nervously comb through it, while his eyes were glued to your hovering form.

Glimpses of a cloud city flashed through your mind. Han's pained screams were heard again followed by Chewie's roar. You knew that they were in danger before your version filled with a blue lightsaber clashing against a red one. You gasped, eyes snapping open before you plummeted to the ground.

"Y/N!" Obi-Wan exclaimed, rushing forward.

Before you hit the ground, you threw your hands out and caught yourself with the Force. Slowly, you set yourself down on the ground. Obi-Wan crouched beside you. He went to place a hand on your back but stopped himself.

"Touch her, Obi-Wan," Yoda ordered.

"What?" He questioned, looking at the Jedi Master. "But Master, I am a part of the Force now, not physical. It's not possible."

"Not possible?" Yoda repeated with a slight chuckle. "The bond between you two is not possible, some might say. Proved them wrong, both you did."

"Obi-Wan," you gently called. His head turned to look at you. "Please try."

Obi-Wan nodded. His hand slowly came up to your face. It hovered near your cheek before slowly making contact. You both gasped as you felt the other's skin against yours. Quickly, tears formed in your eyes.

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