fifty seven

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Notes: This is the beginning of A New Hope!!! Let me know what you think! Reminder, Obi-Wan will continue to look like Ewan McGregor's version. First of all, Obi-Wan is only supposably 57 years old in "A New Hope" and Alec Guinness' version looks much older than that. Second, I started writing this fic because I love Ewan McGregor. Alec is a great actor too, but this fic isn't his. Thank you for understanding. 

Also, please check out my new Obi-Wan series "Lessons In Love"!


The feeling of change hit you like a ton of bricks when you woke up. It was suffocating. It reminded you of the time when you were nine and you felt a similar way. The day Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, and Padme entered your life. The day your life completely changed course. You could feel your heart begin to race, hammering against your chest. Your arm reached out, desperate to get in contact with Obi-Wan, only to find that he wasn't there.

"Obi—" you rasped, your own voice cutting you off. "Obi."

Obi-Wan rushed into the room, feeling your panicking state. His heart dropped at the sight of you trying to reach for him and the tears that had started to trickle down your cheeks.

"I'm here, little star," he comforted as he came to your side. "I'm right here."

"Obi," you repeated, gripping onto his arm. Your breaths were coming out in heavy pants.

"What's wrong?"

You couldn't get an answer out of you before you started sobbing. Obi-Wan quickly brought you into his chest, holding you carefully as he tried to soothe you. He could feel your inner turmoil and branched his signature out to your own. Your signature responded quickly, grasping onto his own. Obi-Wan kept you tightly against him as you cried. Slowly, you began to calm, your sobs turning into hiccups.

"There's something in the air," you whispered, your voice rough. "Change... similar to how it was before Anakin showed up with Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, and Padme..."

Obi-Wan nodded. "I can feel it now too," he replied.

"I... I need help meditating through it all... please."

Obi-Wan honestly hated how much relief he felt at your request. That request meant that you wanted to work on your connection with the Force. He had longed for you to try and repair the connection for years now, only because he felt that you would need your strength again one day.

"Of course, little star," he quickly agreed.

Obi-Wan went to pull away so that the two of you could get in a more meditative stance but you would not allow it, gripping him tightly to keep him close. He understood and pulled you impossibly closer.

"Close your eyes," he guided quietly, doing the same. You closed your eyes. "Focus on my voice and match my breathing and branch out to the Force around us."

You followed Obi-Wan simple commands, branching your signature out in a way that you hadn't done in years. Allowing yourself to fully feel the Force, you slipped into it and were able to start to feel better. Obi-Wan could feel his directions working, letting himself feel some relief that you had listened and that the Force wasn't fighting against you like it often seemed to do.

"Very good," Obi-Wan praised softly. "Keep going, little star. I'm right here."

Losing yourself in the Force, allowed you to feel lighter than you had in years. Your anxieties seemingly washed away, thankfully. Obi-Wan could feel you slowly growing slack in his arms.

"Little star," he started calling you out of your trance, "feeling better?"

"Yes," you responded with a nod against his chest. "Thank you."

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