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 Ben often questioned you about secrets in the family, saying that you, his parents, and his uncle Luke were keeping something from him. Out of respect for Leia and Han, you couldn't admit to Ben that he was right. That something was being kept from him. It had been decided early on in Ben's life that he would be kept unaware of his Sith heritage. There were very few who knew the truth about Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader and they all vowed to keep it a secret until Leia and Han felt like Ben was ready.

As Ben grew, you could feel that there was an internal struggle inside of him. You had tried to coax him to talk about it, but he never would. Always brushing you off.

Despite Leia and Han's wanting to have Ben live a normal life, Ben's power required guidance. It was strong and raw, easily controlled by his emotions.

Ben was ten when he got in a fight with his parents and his power broke multiple fragile objects in the house. The two parents didn't know how to handle this, as they never dealt with a Force welder like this. That's why you were included in the conversation. Han and Leia felt like they were equipped to make a decision on Ben's future themselves.

You sighed. "I sense much of Anakin in him," you admitted. "It's both a blessing and a curse, depending on how we go about this."

"There have been talks in the Senate of a mysterious dark Force wielder named Snoke," Leia explained. "I fear that he might try to influence Ben if he isn't trained."

"Do you believe he needs to be trained?" Han asked you.

You bit your lip nervously as you thought through an answer. "I'm worried that his training didn't start sooner... There's a reason why Jedi were trained young so that they could grow to use their emotions and power, not allowing one to control the other."

"You and Anakin began training at nine," Leia said. "Ben is ten. Are you saying that's too late?"

"For me and Anakin, I... I don't know if we should have been trained the way we were. But I can't say the same for Ben. Things are different now and I don't foresee Ben's powers fading... Without some training, I fear his power will grow beyond his own control. No matter what though, I cannot promise that he will keep himself in the light. That is a choice only he can make."

Leia and Han shared a look, having a conversation with their eyes.

"That's it then," Han said, looking back at you. "Ben will join Luke's initiative to restore the Jedi Order."


"Are you all ready?" You asked Ben as you stood in the doorway of his room.

"I guess," Ben mumbled. There was a small bag packed, only filled with clothes due to the Jedi Code.

"It's okay to be nervous and sad that you're leaving... though Luke and the Code will tell you that attachments are dangerous, they are a natural part of life. I would still be careful."

"Is it sad that I will miss you the most, Aunt Y/N?"

"Oh, Ben." You walked over and made him look at you. "I will miss you so much. As I know your mother and father will."

He scoffed. "No, they won't... they're always too busy saving the Galaxy. They won't even notice I'm gone."

"Ben Solo, you stop that. Your parents love you and have only ever wanted what's best for you. They will miss your presence around here. I know I will."

"Why can't you come with me? Aren't you a Jedi? Can't you just train me?"

You sighed. Oh, how you wished you could fully explain why you couldn't train him. How the past and your training still hurt you and how he needed what Luke could provide. There was also something in the Force telling you that you were not meant to train him.

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