thirty two

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 You were still in a pained dazed, slightly falling in and out of consciousness, as the medical droid spoke to Anakin, Padme, Ahsoka, and Master Yoda. You could hear them talking but were unable to actually understand what they were saying. All you knew was that the one person you wanted there—you needed there—wasn't even on the planet.

"She will need great rest," the medical droid told the group surrounding you. "A bacta patch will be needed on both her back and front where the injury lies. There should be no training or missions until she is cleared, which may be weeks."

"What about her pain?" Anakin asked. "She's clearly in a large amount of pain."

"Unfortunately, there is only so much we can do for her pain. It seems that most of her pain stems from something emotional."

"Hmm, agree I do," Yoda said. "The severed bond and lies, her pain comes from. On her own, she must push past it."

"We will keep her here until some of the pain subsides. She should survive this."

Anakin nodded, eyes moving to stare back at you. You were slightly groaning as you lightly writhed around the stretcher. He noted some sweat on your forehead and carefully wiped it off with his gloved hand.

"Thank you," Padme said to the medical droid before it left.

"Update the Council on our Padawan's condition, I must," Yoda said, heading out on his hover seat.

"I do wish I could stay, but I have more Senate meetings to attend. I have been pushing them off for too long."

"It's alright," Anakin said. He turned to her. "I'll walk you out. Ahsoka—"

"I won't leave her side," Ahsoka promised Anakin.

He sent her a thankful nod before escorting Padme out of the med center. Ahsoka pulled up a chair to sit beside you. Feeling the pain in your signature, she tried to push her signature to yours. She sighed when your shields quickly went up, blocking everyone. She was going to take it more personally when Obi-Wan rushed into the room.

"How is she?" He asked, panting as he had run there from the hangar.

Ahsoka protectively stood up. "She's in a lot of pain," she stated in an even tone. She tried to remain calm. Obi-Wan was a Jedi Master on the Council, she held respect for him. Just not as much as she used to.

"Is she—" He stepped closer only to notice that Ahsoka stepped toward him, clearly aiming to get between him and the stretcher. "Ahsoka. What is going on?"

You groaned, not even realizing the tension that was growing in the room. Your pain was too much. Obi-Wan's stomach dropped as he took another step in your direction. Ahsoka took another protective step in his direction.

"I'm just—"

"Look who's back," Anakin scoffed, cutting off Ahsoka as he came into the room. Before Obi-Wan could even blink, Anakin had placed himself between you and his Jedi Master. "What did you want, Obi-Wan?"

"I'm here to be with Y/N," Obi-Wan said, trying to remain as calm as possible.

"You should have thought about that before you left."

"The Council asked me to go on an assignment. I couldn't—"

Anakin scoffed, shaking his head. "You couldn't say no... again."

"No, I couldn't. And I am sure that you could understand why I couldn't say no."

Obi-Wan's face hardened as the two glared at each other. Anakin didn't want to admit that he did understand why Obi-Wan couldn't say no. The things you do to protect the people you care about—the secrets you care about. To stay with the person you love and the Jedi Order.

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