sixty four

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"Where's Y/N?" Leia asked as she looked around the room of celebrating Rebels. Han and Luke glanced around as well.

"She said she'd be right there," Han said.

Leia sighed, shaking her head slightly. "I am worried about her."

"Me too," Luke agreed. "It can't be easy losing your husband like that."

"I'll go after her," Han offered. "I'm not really feeling this celebration anyway."

"Are you sure?" Leia questioned. "I'd be fine with going."

"I've got this. Don't celebrate too hard and keep an eye on Chewie."

Han turned and headed out of the room, going toward the hangar where he last saw you. Once he arrived in the hangar and began wandering it, he realized that there were only a few people and droids in there. It made sense as most were celebrating the win. Han rounded one of the corners near the large opening and heard something in the forest. He took the blaster from the thigh holder as he slowly headed toward the sounds.

The further Han got into the forest, the clearer the sounds became. There was a buzzing of some sort with the slicing of what had to be small trees or branches. Pained yells and cries were mixed in with the other sounds. Han slipped his blaster back into the holster though kept his hand on it. He stood at the edge of the clearing, noting how it glowed with yellow and blue as you attacked the nearby trees. There was a strange, invisible thickness in the air that was making the normally hardshell man uncomfortable.

You were clearly upset. There were tears spilling down your face as you angrily shouted and swung the lightsabers that were tightly gripped in your hands. The tree that you lunged at didn't stand a chance as you sliced through the trunk, causing the top of it to topple over. You turned, twirling the lightsabers. Han's brows furrowed as he caught a glimpse of your eyes, which had changed from their normal hue to bright gold. He wasn't normally one to be concerned for someone that he had just recently met, but he felt as though this was a cause for concern.

You had sensed someone nearby. You jumped up and flipped over to where you sensed the person. You landed with your lightsabers pointed at the intruder.

"Woah, woah!" Han exclaimed, putting his hands up. "Kid, it's just me!" You were breathing heavily, not really focused on Han. "If you could put those things down, that would be great."

You made no move to do so or any reaction that you had even heard Han. His arms were out like he was taming a wild animal as he took a tentative step toward you. You quickly got into a fighting stance.

"Y/N," Han tried again. "It's just me."

You were starting to register who was in front of you, but not really what he was saying.

"I need your ship." Your voice was low, gravelly, and dark; opposite of your normal voice.

"I can pilot you wherever you need to go," Han responded, trying to placate you.

"No. I need to go alone."

"Yeah, you're not taking my ship."

"Try to stop me."

You lunged forward with your sabers. Han dove to the side, landing hard on the ground. Deciding to just leave him, you ran toward the base hangar—where the Millennium Falcon was seated.

Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca had decided to leave the celebration and help Han search for you. They entered the hangar in time to see you—with lightsabers ignited—racing toward the Millennium Falcon. Chewie let out a loud growl.

"Y/N!" Luke shouted. "What is going on?"

You ignored him, focusing on your plan. You needed to use the Millennium Falcon to get yourself to Darth Vader and kill him. Suddenly, blasts started firing at you from behind. You easily deflected them with your sabers without missing a step or looking back. The others saw Han racing in behind you, firing at you.

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