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 "Aunt Y/N! Aunt Y/N!" A four-year-old Ben exclaimed as he ran up to you. You were in a clearing near the house, meditating.

"Hello, Ben," you smiled at him.

"Dad's going to let me fly the Falcon!"

"Oh, is he now?" You laughed as you glanced up at Han, who was trailing behind the boy. "Have you told your mother about this?"

"She's working."

"How convenient." You rose a brow at Han.

Han rose his hands in innocence. "It's not that bad, alright?" Han tried to tell you. "Chewie is coming with us and he'll basically be on Chewie's lap the whole time."

"And how long will you be gone?"

"Most likely a few hours. Not too long. I don't even know why I'm looking for your permission, I'm the kid's father."

"Because you know that I will react similarly to Leia."

"Will you come with us Aunt Y/N?" Ben asked, looking up at you with big, hopeful eyes.

You were going to say yes when you suddenly felt a shift in the Force. It was a familiar one, one you believed was gone.

"I'm sorry my sweet Ben," you said as you knelt down to be more at eye level with him. "Unfortunately, I have my own things to attend to today." You didn't miss Han's curious expression. "Maybe another day." You leaned forward and kissed his head. "Stay safe, and keep an eye on your father."

"I will!" He was running off toward the Falcon before anything else could be said.

Han walked closer to you. "What's going on?" He asked. "What do you need to do?"

"I... don't know yet... But I'm going to follow the Force, see where it leads."

"You haven't done anything adventurous in a while. You need help?"

"I'll be fine." You looked past Han at Ben who was excitedly telling Chewie something. "Just don't do anything stupid with the kid with you."

"Me? Do something stupid?" Han scoffed. "Never."

You rolled your eyes. "I'll let you know if I need anything."


Following the Force, you flew by yourself to the planet of Corvus. You paused, hovering above the planet as you seeked the guidance of the Force as to where to go. After a few moments, you headed for the city of Corvus. You landed outside of the city, a good distance away. You noticed how the trees in the forest outside the city were barren and fog laced around them. There were red blasters going off at the edge of the city.

With a lightsaber in each hand, you slowly made your way to the edge of the forest to see what was happening. You hid behind a larger tree and peeked around it. The moment you saw those two white lightsaber blades, you gasped. You watched as the warrior took out the guards, using the fog and lack of bright light to their advantage.

"Show yourself," a woman on the wall of the city demanded after all the guards had been taken care of. "Jedi."

You felt like crying when you saw Ahsoka reveal herself. All this time, she had been alive.

"I've been expecting you," the woman continued.

"Then you know what I want," Ahsoka replied.

"You will learn nothing from me."

"I won't give you that choice."

The woman motioned for two guards to bring up a prisoner beside her. "How many lives is the knowledge I possess worth to you? One? Ten? How about a hundred? The lives of these citizens mean nothing to me. Now, because of you, these people will suffer."

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