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 Luke was resistant to Rey when she first found him on one of the islands of Ahch-To. He had turned cold to the ways of the Jedi and the Force, now believing that he understood what you were talking about when you refused to help him restore the Order.

After finding out about Han's death, he reunited with R2 in the Falcon. Luke was upset at himself for shutting himself off from the Force so much that he hadn't sensed Han's death. R2 showed Luke the old footage of Leia asking for Obi-Wan's help, he decided to teach her three lessons.

The first lesson allowed Luke to see that Rey had a level of power identical to Ben, you, and Anakin. This worried him and caused him to quickly abandon the lesson. Luke also realized the truth about Rey during this brief lesson: that she was the granddaughter of Darth Sidious.

After the second lesson, Luke revealed his view (or what he wanted Rey to believe) about how Ben became Kylo Ren. Leaving Rey, he went down to the mediations ledge and managed to regain his Force abilities once again. This allowed him to sense you and Leia, both unconscious across the Galaxy.

It began storming on the island and Luke went searching for Rey, sensing something off. He found Rey connecting with Kylo in a hut, revealing that they had a bond similar to what you and Obi-Wan shared. Rey and Luke began dueling as Rey questioned if Luke created Kylo. After gaining the upper hand, Rey pushed Luke to be honest with her. Luke told her about the darkness he sensed in Ben and what really happened that night.

Rey, having seen a future where Kylo turned back to the light, was convinced she could turn him. She left, going to go to him to try. Luke watched the Falcon fly off before taking a fiery torch and heading to where he kept the sacred Jedi texts. Sensing someone watching him, Luke turned to see Yoda, in Force ghost form, standing on a rock.

"Master Yoda," Luke said roughly.

"Young Skywalker," Yoda responded.

"I'm ending all this. The tree, the text, the Jedi. I'm going to burn it down."

Yoda chuckled as he watched Luke unable to actually set fire to the tree. Yoda concentrated and used the Force to summon lightning, hitting the tree and allowing it to burst into flames. Luke turned around in pure shock. Yoda laughed.

"Ah, Skywalker, missed you, have I," Yoda told him.

An explosion caused Luke to fly back, away from a tree, and to the ground. Yoda appeared in front of him, watching the bright flames.

"So it is time..." Luke said, "for the Jedi Order to end."

"Time, it is. Hmm." Yoda turned to face Luke. "For you to look past a pile of old books, hmm?"

"The sacred Jedi texts!"

"Oh, read them, have you?"

"Well, I..."

"Page turners, they were not. Yes, yes, yes." Yoda walked closer to the man. "Wisdom they held, but that library contains nothing that the girl Rey does not already possess." Luke was still watching the flames over Yoda. "Skywalker, still looking to the horizon. Never here, hmm? The need in front of your nose." He tapped Luke on the nose with his cane. "Hmm?"

"I was weak... unwise."

"Lost Ben Solo, you did. Lose Rey, we must not."

"I can't be what she needs me to be."

"Heeded my words not, did you? Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery, but weakness, folly, failure, also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is... Tell you that, Obi-Wan and Y/N could."

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