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 Obi-Wan was beginning to question how he ever lived without your friendship. He was longing to just walk beside you or talk to you or feel your Force signature. Something. You had been gone for weeks with no word from you and the Council was not willing to disclose any information as well. Every time he tried to reach out to you with the Force, he came up blank. He was starting to think you might have died and nobody was willing to tell him.

It was almost exactly five weeks to the day Obi-Wan last saw you when he was summoned to the Jedi Council Chambers. He was nervous, to say the least, and trying his best to keep his thoughts and emotions in check. When he arrived at the Chambers, the doors were opened to reveal you walking out. Obi-Wan's eyes immediately did a sweep of you, checking to see if you were okay and in tack. The only notable difference that he could see was the lack of your Padawan braid.

"Y/N," he gasped. "You're back. Are you alright? Why have you been gone for so long?"

"Master Kenobi," you smiled. He tried not to flinch at the formality. "I wish I could answer your questions but the Council is waiting for you."

"Then will you wait for me to be finished?"

"I'm afraid that I must move my things to my new room."

"Your new room?"

"Yes, the Council has granted me permission to be closer to the other Jedi. Come find me once you're finished and we can talk then."

"Yes, okay."

Obi-Wan smiled as he watched you walk away. He was happy that you were finally back at the Jedi Temple. Now he only needed to get this Council meeting over with quickly in order to talk to you about why you disappeared for five weeks. Obi-Wan entered the Chambers and stood in the middle. He immediately noticed an empty chair.

"Master Kenobi, thank you for joining us," Master Windu said.

"Of course," Obi-Wan responded with a slight head bow. "How may I be of service?"

Several of the Jedi Masters shared a look, not going unnoticed by Obi-Wan.

"Like to offer you a seat on the Council, we would," Yoda said.

"What?" Obi-Wan breathed out in shock.

"You have shown great strength, leadership, and knowledge in the Force," Windu complimented. "We would be honored to have you on the Council."

"Thank you." Obi-Wan bowed again. "I am honored you find me worthy."

"Please," Windu motioned to the empty seat. Obi-Wan took a deep breath as he walked over and took his place on the Council. "Now, there are multiple items on the agenda for today. The first is the war. The Senate and Chancellor have asked the Jedi to be Generals over the clones."

"Worried, I am about this," Yoda admitted. "But see no way out, I do."

"I see no way out as well," Master Plo Koon said.

"Who would the General's be?" Obi-Wan wondered.

"Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights would fill the role of Generals," Mace answered. "Padawan's would be Commanders."

"Brings up our question, it does," Yoda said. "Master Obi-Wan, ready for the trials is your Padawan?"

"You're considering Anakin for the trials?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"Yes," Ki-Adi responded. "We need all the Generals we can get."

"And despite his lack of following orders, Skywalker is a great strategist and leader," Windu admitted. "As well as strong in the Force."

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