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You and Obi-Wan shared a ship to your flight to Kamino, him piloting. He had offered you the chance since he hadn't flown with you before and he honestly didn't love flying. You turned in down, not wanting to wreck his ship.

"There it is," Obi-Wan stated after you exited light speed. "Right where it should be. Our missing planet Kamino."

You inhaled sharply. A sense of secrecy washed over you. Whatever was on Kamino, someone was trying their best to keep it a secret from the rest of the galaxy. Obi-Wan could sense your mind worrying about what was ahead and he had heard your sharp intake of breath.

"Little star? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Someone's gone through a lot of trouble to keep this place a secret," you whispered, eyes focused on the planet. "The Force is uneasy around this place... I don't like it."

Obi-Wan was impressed that you could feel all that more than he could. But, even when you were untrained, you always had a strong connection with the Force. "We'll be together the whole time. No need to worry."

"I'm less worried about us than I am about what is happening down there. Didn't Dex say that they are cloners?"


"So what could they possibly be cloning that they needed to be erased from the archives?"

"That, little star, is a very good question."

As you descended to the planet, you observed what it's system was like. The whole planet seemed to be a raging ocean storm. The waves were high, barely missing the buildings that seemed anchored to the planet some how. The lightning that frequently struck seemed to be the only light available through the dark storm clouds.

Upon landing, you and Obi-Wan slipped your cloak hoods on to protect yourself from the rain outside. The winds were forceful and the rain hard as Obi-Wan helped you out of the starship. Staying close beside each other, the two of you heading toward the doors. You entered, immediately being treated by one of the beings living on the planet.

"Master Jedi," the female being greeted. "The Prime Minister is expecting you."

"I'm expected?" Obi-Wan questioned.

You shot him a worried glance as you set your soaked hood down on your shoulders, your worry for this assignment growing more. You heart slightly skipped a bit at the sight of Obi-Wan's wet and disheveled hair. The sight of him made you feel warm and you had the sudden urge to comb your fingers through his hair. Shaking your head slightly, you pulled yourself out of your thoughts. It was strange. You had never felt anything like this before, towards anyone. You knew that any feelings like this were against the Code so you quickly tried to shut them down.

"Of course," the being continued. "He is anxious to meet you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming. May I get your names?"

"I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and this is my Padawan, Y/N Sky— Y/N L/N." He would probably never be used to calling you by your adoptive name.

"Pleasure to meet you both. I am Taun We. Now, please, this way."

Taun We led you down a bright, white hallway and into a room where another of the same species was sitting in a chair anchored to the ceiling. The new being, who you could assume was the Prime Minister, stood up as you and Obi-Wan were led to stand in front of it.

"May I present Lama Su," Taun We introduced, "Prime Minister of Kamino." You and Obi-Wan bowed to the Prime Minister. "And this is Master Jedi—"

"Obi-Wan Kenobi," Obi-Wan responded. "And this is my Padawan, Y/N L/N."

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