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You spent the night in one of the training rooms, unable to calm your racing thoughts. With every swing of your saber to block a shot, you relived the moment that Obi-Wan pulled away from you. You couldn't help but blame yourself. You jumped up, avoiding a blast, before landing and deflecting another shot.

"Woah!" Anakin exclaimed, dodging the shot as he entered the room.

"Sorry," you muttered. "Didn't realize you were coming in."

"Yeah, well I just arrived at the Temple to get a new assignment but all I could focus on was your signature."

You took a deep breath, realizing you need to center yourself quickly. If Anakin could sense the emotions in your signature, so could the rest of the Temple. You began putting the training equipment away.

"You want to talk about it?" Anakin asked arms crossed over his chest as he studied you.

"I'm fine, Ani," you replied.

Anakin scoffed. "That's believable."

As he continued to study you, you put up blockers around your signature. You didn't need him snooping in your thoughts and figuring out what had happened. Anakin was never one to completely enjoy following the Jedi Code, but you still didn't know how he would react to your feelings for Obi-Wan.

"We used to talk," Anakin said. "We still can."

You sighed. "We already push the boundary of attachment just by interacting on assignments together, Ani. We shouldn't push it anymore."

"It's amazing how much you've improved at lying to yourself." You kept your focus on your task. Anakin sighed. "You clearly need to talk about something, Y/N/N, and if you feel like you can't talk to me, that's fine. I know that Padme's at her apartment and would be glad to help you. She's actually been meaning to talk to you for quite some time now."

"What about?"

Anakin shrugged. "She wouldn't tell me." You turned to face Anakin, allowing him to see how the light in your eyes had dimmed slightly. "Y/N, I don't care what the Council has tried to do to split us up." He came forward and placed a hand on your shoulder. "You are still my twin sister and I love you."

You pulled Anakin in for a much-needed hug. "I love you too, Ani."


Obi-Wan was struggling to meditate. He couldn't find his center, not with last night playing in his head over and over again. He was so close to kissing you, he had longed to. Yet, he stopped himself. There was the fact that you and him had been standing out in the hallway and could have been caught, but there were also two other major factors. One, the Jedi Code (which he realized he had already broken), and two, Obi-Wan had no idea how you felt. If you didn't feel the same, would he have just forced himself on you and ruined your friendship? He couldn't stand the thought of that. He needed you in his life, whether that was as a friend or more than one. But now there was a fear that he had screwed it up anyway.

When he rushed into his room after leaving you, Obi-Wan heard you walk back down the hallway. You hadn't come back to your room all night and he tried not to freak out about it. He had no right to, it wasn't your Master and he was to blame for it. It was after noon and you still hadn't returned to your room. Though, Obi-Wan hadn't exactly left his yet. Trying to reach out into your bond, he wasn't surprised to find that you had blocked him as he had you. He couldn't just sit back and wait for you to come back anymore. He had screwed up and now you were missing.

Obi-Wan left his room and began searching the Temple. There was no proof of you being assigned to a new mission and your starfighter was sitting in the hangar. The library held no trace of you and neither did the gardens. Obi-Wan was briskly walking to his next destination, the training rooms, when he noticed Anakin walking down one of the large hallways.

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