3: Quiet ≠ Boring

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Valentina makes it to class just before the late bell rings and takes the only seat available beside Finney Blake. He offers a soft smile as she sits down, to which she quickly returns.

For the first 30 minutes of class, the English teacher explains the basic expectations set for the class as well as explaining the first assignment- a simple essay discussing what each student did during the summer.

Valentina really could not care less and allows her eyes to drift around the classroom. Everyone is so boring looking, something she never noticed until she met Vance last year.

As she's looking around, she finds her eyes glued to Finney's journal as he doodles out rockets. An amused smile takes to her face, and she can't help but chuckle softly at the blush that overcomes him when he finds her looking.

Valentina has known Finn since 2nd grade. They spoke often, sharing a similar neutrality and enough classes that made them quite close. Though she hasn't spoken much to him recently. When she began dating Vance, all her energy went toward him, and when he went missing the following summer, it did even more. She never gave up looking around for him.

For as long as she could remember, Finn's loved rockets and space, and it seems like some things never change.

Thankfully. She could really use the familiarity right now.

"You may spend the next 15 minutes talking quietly amongst yourselves," the teacher announces, going to sit at his desk.

Almost immediately, everyone breaks into chatter.

Valentina simply goes to read her book, but Finney doesn't quite look away.

"Hey...Um, Valentina?" He questions.

She glances up at him, "yeah?"

"I just wanted to ask...how are you? I never got around to...apologizing? I'm so sorry about Vance. I know you two were dating before..." he trails off, not quite sure if he should finish his sentence.

Judging by her suddenly intensified grip on her book, he would say he was right to not finish his sentence.

She conjures up a forced smile and gives him a slight nod, "I'm fine. Thanks for asking, Finney. How are you? Those idiots still bothering you?"

He frowns deeply, seeing through her fake smile. "Yeah, but...it's fine. I'll just deal with it like every year. We used to be friends; you know? Or we are. I think? Well....I can tell you're upset. And it's ok to be. Look, I'm sure Vance is fine! You know he would never go down without a fight."

She wants to cry, he can tell. Instead, she simply nods her head.

"...yeah," she agrees half-heartedly, a slight crack in her tone.

He struggles to find the right words to say, just looking at her broken expression with a small frown of his own.

"...Um, you know, you can always come hang out with Gwen and I. We would love the company..." he offers, glancing off shyly. "We're friends, after all, Valentina."

She gives him the most genuine smile she can offer, nodding softly.

"Thank you, Finney. I'll keep your offer in mind," she assures.

Before anything more can be said, the bell rings and everyone rushes to gather their things. He does so slowly, watching her wearily. Whereas, she rushes to throw her things over her shoulder.

She stops and turns to him, "I'll see you around, Finney."

He smiles, "yeah, of course."

With that, she rushes out of the classroom and into the busy hallway.

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