31: Jealousy That Drives You Apart

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On the drive home, Pink tells Kevin about the previous events. They both joke about it all, calling Valentina "Rocky" and praising her will to defend her spot as Robin's girlfriend.

Though she smiles and offers a few amused giggles, the fact that she has to defend her spot at all actually pisses her off.

Through the entire ride, Ron has been squinting his eyes in the girls direction and staring at her openly, as if to try and figure her out. Robin is getting more and more antsy over his stares, but knows better to act jealous after the all the drama he just caused.

Finally, Ron speaks up, "hey, man! I know you."

As he wags a finger at her, she blushes and begins to shake her head.

"No, no, I don't think you do," she denies awkwardly, making Robin squint suspiciously.

"No, I do," he nods with a laugh. "I've been trying to figure it out this whole time! You bought weed from me a few weeks ago, man! How do you like it?"

She facepalms, and the two seniors in the front break into laughter.

"I knew you smoked, but not like that," Kevin laughs lightly, turning to look back at the girl. "Damn, Sanchez, you're really a badass! Fighting bitches, buying your own weed, and partying with the big dogs? You can have any guy in school after this. Expect to go to school Monday a celebrity."

"Oh great," she chuckles, rolling her eyes.

Robin tightly wraps his hand into hers, "she doesn't need any guy in school, she's got me."

"Relax man, it's a joke," Kevin shrugs, lean back into his seat as he drives.

Pinks brows raise into an awkward, but still joking expression, "...or is it?"

The two break into laughter again, with Ron joining in this time.

Robin rolls his eyes in annoyance and mutters under his breath, "pendejos..."

Valentina nudges him, giving him a pointed look and shaking her head. He again, just turns away from her to roll his eyes, continuing to spit profanities out in his head.

After being dropped off back home, she goes straight into her room to wash away her make up and change into night clothes.

Even though they've made up, she's decided she isn't entirely over the whole incident with Robin. She couldn't exactly take her lingering anger out on him either though. Right now, she could really use a Finney hug to soothe the anger. But it's too late to call him, so she settles on moping in bed.

Robin notices her depleted behavior and gets comfortable beside her.

"Why do I feel like you're still mad at me?" He asks, refusing to beat around the bush.

"I don't know, I'm tired," she replies plainly, still facing away from him.

With a frown, he adjusts himself under the covers, "how are you tired? It's not even that late."

"I just am, I guess," she shrugs, not really want to continue the conversation. "I'm just gonna go to bed. You can stay up if you want. Good night, Robin."

Unwilling to give up so easily, he perches over her shoulder, "Do I need to call Finney?"

"Don't. His dad will kill him if you call this late," she warns, beginning to sound more annoyed than before. "Just let me go to sleep, Robin. We can hang out with Finney in the morning."

The two lay there in silence for a few moments, but that doesn't last long due to Robin's building anxiety. He doesn't like the idea of going to sleep with one of them upset at the other, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't sleep feeling like he wasn't forgiven. It's begin to eat away at him.

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