48: Robin's Dream Come True/Grab N' Go

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Finn hadn't gotten to speak to Valentina before she left. There was too many things happening with the reporters, having their wounds treated, and being reunited with family and what not. Even when he was sat in the ambulance waiting to go home, he couldn't bring himself to look at her out of pure shame.

As such, he's been left to marinate with the feeling of worry and guilt for the last few hours since he's gotten home.

He can't stop thinking about Valentina. No matter how hard he tries to rationalize everything that happened, and reassure himself that everything worked out in the end- he can't help but to feel like he failed at protecting her. All he wanted was to keep her safe, and in the end, he failed at that.

Even if they did make it out alive, he'll never rid himself of the feeling he had when he thought he lost her. The sight of blood pooling around her head while he could do nothing but watch and then fight for his life rather than rush to help her is forever engrained into his memory. By the time the grabber was dead, escaping was the last thing on his mind- the first being to see if Valentina was alive.

His heart shattered into a million micro-sized pieces when he felt her cold hands. No heart beat, no breathing, no signs of life.

He didn't care if blood was staining his hands and clothes when he pulled her head into his lap, crying and stroking her cheek in an attempt to bring forth some sense of comfort within himself. As if it would somehow bring her back to life.

"Please," he had begged. "Please, Tini. Please don't die like this. What happened to always and forever?"

For so long, he sat there. Hoping. Waiting. Next thing he knew, his sister was by his side- utterly distraught by the sight before her. Then came Robin, and he'll never forget the look on his face. The sheer amount of fear and desperation etched into his troubled expression. The tears rushing down his face as he began to hyperventilate. He never saw Robin cry before. And he never wanted to again. Then, paramedics were rushing down to separate them.

Somehow, even though he was sure she was dead, her eyes sprung open as she gasped for breath with a loud heaving noise.

That odd, discombobulated sound brought so much relief to his soul because it let him know that she was alive.

Even so, hours later, he's laid in his bed tossing and turning.

After a while, he finally springs out of bed and rushes toward the living room of his house. Storming down the hall, he finds his way to the phone attached to the wall. At first, the sight of it brings back dreadful feelings. However, he pushes those feelings aside and moves to pick up the phone and dial a number.

At Valentina's house, Robin is sat across from his freshly showered girlfriend, subconsciously staring at her with an intense loving gaze as she gushes over her own missing flyer.

"I mean, did she really have to use this picture? I look so...so weird! Like, why am I smiling like that?" She complains with an amused expression before holding it up besides Finney's. "Finney looks adorable in his picture! Not fair!"

Robin shakes his head, "you look beautiful in that picture, I don't see why you're complaining. Anyway, why do you even have those things? Throw that shit away. I hate to see it."

She glances up at him with a smirk, "cause you hate to look at the picture too, huh?"

His brows crinkle and he breaks into a soft snicker, "shut up, you know that's not what I meant!"

She giggles, "sure, if you say so."

He refocuses on her face, reaching out to stroke her cheek softly. Without meaning to, his expression falls into a mixture of concern and guilt which she immediately catches onto.

Grab N' Go [Robin Arellano]Where stories live. Discover now