24: Lunch Time Naps

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Somehow, Valentina has successfully managed to dodge Robin through each class period. This little game of tag was starting to drive madness out of him, as if having his hourly dose of Valentina was the only thing keeping him sane before. At the same time, he was happy she was getting some amusement from this. There is one thing he's counting on though, and that's lunch.

There would be no way she could avoid him there. She knew that much as well, and she knew better than to try to. After all, she was beginning to long for his presence again too.

So, when the bell rang, she patiently waited outside her classroom and in the sea of students could see her goofy boyfriend pushing people left and right while simultaneously sprinting down the hall. It made her laugh to herself- he really was dramatic as hell.

When he finally catches sight of her, he gives her a determined look, pushing himself even harder to reach her in a hurry, as if she'll sprint away at the last second.

And she does just that.

Joyously running through the crowd of students with a smile, Valentina aims for their usual lunch spot.

Just as she's reaching the destination, Gwen and Finney throw her a confused look. They're questions are only pushed further when Robin (safely) tackles her dramatically to the ground in a hue of laughter. As the two roll around in laughter, Finney cracks a smile while shaking his head.

With one more roll, Robin places himself over Valentina and proceeds to sloppily kiss her in whatever places he can reach, too consumed with laughter to aim in any particular places correctly. He is laid between her legs, hoisting himself up on his forearms as he closes the gap between them over and over again.

"What're you two doing now?" Gwen questions while setting up her lunch with a playful grin. "If you don't quit you'll both be covered in grass stains!"

After one final roll, they stop moving around to catch their breaths. Now, Valentina is the one laid on top of Robin with her legs on each side of his lap. The only difference is, instead of keeping herself up right like he did, she simply allows her head to fall against his chest and rest comfortably.

Truthfully, the position does make her a bit nervous, but heart is already beating so fast from all the adrenaline of running that she doesn't seem to notice. As such, she remains in this position, choosing to close her eyes shut in blissful peace.

"Tini, are you gonna eat?" Finney calls to her, pulling her eyes back open.

("Tini" is pronounced like "teeny"!)

"No. Not today, I'm tired," she replies honestly. "Gonna eat a big dinner though. Promise. You and Gwen should come by! It would be rad."

"Ok. I will. But mainly because I wanna make sure you actually eat," he points a stern finger at her. "I know how you can be sometimes."

"I'll go, but because I wanna eat your food. It's better than our dads cooking by a long shot," Gwen laughs, beginning to eat her lunch. "What about you, Robin? You gonna eat? And how come your man doesn't get an invite to this feast?

"Nah. I'm pretty tired too, and don't worry, I'm invited. I live there so, you know," he chuckles lightly, moving one of his hands to rest on the small of Valentina's back.

Gwen turns to them abruptly, "what?!"

"Yeah, some shit happened back home. Valentina took me in cause she's a fucking Saint," he explains with a tired smile.

The girl looks down at her food with mixed emotions, "I don't know whether to say sorry or congratulations. What I do know is- you two better not be banging- or if you are, don't be idiots about it!"

While Robin vibrates with laughter, Valentina looks absolutely appalled by her accusation.

"Don't worry. I know the saying! 'Don't be silly, wrap your-" His sentence is abruptly interrupted by Valentina biting down harshly on his shoulder. "OW! That hurt!"

She gives him a pointed look, "it's what you deserve."

"Well...well, maybe I liked it! Now what?!" He retaliates while moving the hand that's not on her back to rub over the shoulder she just bit. It ends up looking like a strained hug.

"You didn't. Liar," she chuckles, laying her head back down. "Maybe you would've in other circumstances, but not this one."

"That's what you think," he grumbles back mindlessly, still wearing his smile. "That should've been the other way around...you're supposed to be the one who gets bit."

Deciding their too tired to continue the banter, both relax in their position. It's extremely peaceful to feel so secure, and that's exactly how Robin feels with Valentina laid on top of him. Not only will he know she's safe and near, he'll know he's safe because he's unreachable.

Similarly, Valentina feels comforted by the sounds of Robin's heartbeat. It lets her know he's alive, well, and close to her.

It doesn't take but mere minutes for the two to drift into sleep while Finney and Gwen lightly chat about their own day to each other. They, of course, also talk about the clueless couple beside them.

"You don't find it at all suspicious that Robin went missing without a trace, pops back up and is now living with Valentina?" Gwen questions through a full mouth. "I feel like they're hiding something. Plus, since when is Valentina so big on PDA?"

"I wouldn't really call it PDA," Finney deflects while hiding the uncomfortable expression on his face, "I mean it's just us to here to see them be like that."

"They were getting pretty steamy in the hallway this morning. Looked like they were about to jump down each other's throats if I hadn't interrupted," she points out. "They're acting like one of them is gonna disappear or something. I'm just saying it's weird. Well, not weird, but suspicious."

He shrugs, "maybe whatever happened at Robin's house was traumatic or something. I mean it had to be right? If he was kicked out over it?"

The lie is just smooth enough to work, replacing his sisters interrogative look with a guilty one.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I feel kind of bad talking about it now," she admits with a frown. "Let's make sure to try to bring something to Valentina's dinner tonight, yeah? Like pop or something."

"Yeah. Or maybe we can convince dad to take us to buy a pack of cookies," he agrees with a reassuring smile. "Whatever it is that happened, I'm sure it'll work out. He'll be safe with Tini. Plus, she'll be safe with him. At least now we'll know she won't be all alone at home."

"Yeah, true," she nods, directing her eyes to the sleeping couple. "When should we wake them up?"

He looks to them too, a small smiling climbing into his features. "Let them sleep. At least until the first bell rings."

She nods and they continue their eating.

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