8: Damn, You Really Can Cook

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After cooking the simplest recipe she could think of, the two teens are sat eating with happy expressions.

"Damn, you really can cook," Robin compliments with a mouth full of taco. "What's in this? I haven't had any tacos that have anything other than carne or al pastor."

"Chicken, potato, tomatoes, and some seasonings. There's usually a lot of filling left over, so you can eat it for the next couple days. You just gotta assemble and fry," she explains while chewing a bit of her own food. "Normally I would make salsa too, but you don't have tomatillos. I'll bring some to you tomorrow."

He grins, "gracias."

"De nada," she replies with a small nod.

"So....about earlier. When you said I was handsome," he brings up again, causing her to give him a pointed look.

He only smirks back.

She sighs, going to wash her dishes, "yeah. You are."

Even though his heart feels like it could burst, he does his best to play it off cool. "Well, thanks. You're not so bad yourself."

She turns around with an amused expression, "is this your attempt at flirting with me?"

"No!" He blurts out, sitting up straighter and turning beat red. "I'm just saying."

She's looks puzzled by his reaction, but let's put a charming laugh. "Um, ok? Well, thanks, I guess."

So much for playing it cool. He could slap himself.

"Hey, so..." she trails off, suddenly nervous.

He gives her a curious, "what?"

"I was....wondering about the plan for tomorrow. You realize if you're walking with me from class to class, we go home together sometimes, plus spend all our time together....people are gonna get the wrong idea," she warns, turning to him with a serious expression. "I'm just warning you. There's still time to back down."

He shakes his head and gives an airy laugh, "I don't care. Who cares what everyone thinks?"

"Well, what if people start bothering you about it? Ever since Vance...people look at me strange," her expressions falls into slight sadness.

"I'll kick their ass," he says as if it's the most obvious thing. "Don't worry, no one's gonna fuck with me, or you."

She sighs, taking a seat across from him when she's done. "I don't exactly like that, but alright."

She reaches over the grab a crumb from out of his hair. Truthfully, looking for an excuse to touch his hair. He doesn't seem to mind though, allowing her to do so while remaining as still as possible. While the moment is brief, he can feel the way her fingers tug at the strands, and it makes him crave the feeling for longer than it lasts.

"Do you care? If people think we're dating?" He asks, causing her to look to him with decisive eyes.

She shakes her head, "no. It does make me feel bad though. Like I'm doing something wrong."

"Because of Vance?" He clarifies.

She only nods, looking down at her hands.

"He was a badass. I'll never live up to him, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want his girl being bothered. If he was here, he would beat Lillian's ass himself," he points out with a reassuring smile. "I'm not trying to replace him, Valentina. Just trying to be here for you. And I'll never make you do something you don't want to."

She smiles lightly, locking eyes with him, "thank you. I owe you. Dinner on me every time I'm able!"

He laughs, "is that a promise?"

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