23: You Can Only Bite What You Can Catch

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After first period was practically over, many students were conversing with their seat mates. Valentina and Finney were no exception, both chatting about various things. Then, the topic of Robin finally rolls around.

"So...where was he? Don't give me a bullshit excuse either. I know both of you well enough to know somethings up," he asks with a demanding tone.

Valentina sighs, leaning over to whisper, "the grabber had him."

"Wh-What?!" The boys eyes widen in disbelief. "Don't mess around, Valentina. That's a serious thing to say. You shouldn't even...say his name."

"I'm serious, Finney. I spoke to him. The grabber, I mean. Before he took Robin. He was really weird, and asked me about where he was. I didn't wanna say, but I was really afraid," she explains, recollecting her thoughts with a nervous expression. "Next thing I know, Robin's gone. I was running away yesterday, and I ended up in some random neighborhood. I saw his van, and I had to check. So I looked through the basement window, and it had these bars over them. I ended up seeing Robin, and from there I obviously broke him out."

Finney listens carefully, staring at the girl with intensity.

"If that's all true, why the hell wouldn't you go to the police?" He argues, trying his best to remain in denial. "I'm not an idiot."

"Finney, please believe me. I'm telling you the truth. His mom wouldn't let us call the police! She was crazy and started yelling about ruining her reputation. Robin is literally living with me now because of it," she insists, reaching forward to tightly grip his hand. "Please, Finney."

After a few moments of sitting there with a bitter expression, he turns his hand over and gives hers a squeeze.

"Ok. I believe you. What did he look like?" He questions nervously.

She sighs in relief, quickly sputtering out a description, "well, when I saw him, he had a painted face. Like white paint. And sunglasses. And a hat. And a cape. Oh, and he drove a black van! He said he was magician, and he gave me a black balloon."

"So my sister was right," he mutters to himself.

"Yeah!" She nods, overhearing his statement. "Is she like a psychic or something?"

He immediately begins to shake his head, "no. It was probably just a coincidence. Don't tell anyone about that."

"Oh...ok," she nods hesitantly, finally pulling her hand back to herself. "Are you ok, Finney?"

He nods, "yeah, of course. I'm glad you're ok, Valentina. What you did....saving Robin....you're really brave. Braver than I'll ever be."

"That's not true, Finney," she shakes her head in disagreement. "You're brave too. Maybe not like me, maybe not like Gwen, and maybe not like Robin, but you are- in your own special way. You have a good heart too, something that's rare to find."

He nods, but it's clear he seems unsure about that the truth in her statement. Her face lights up at a sudden memory, and she decides to jog his.

"Hey! Remember 4th grade science? With Moose Kavinsky," she brings up, catching his attention. "He and I got paired as lab partners in a dissection, and he wouldn't stop waving the frog's heart in my face. I almost puked. And then you saw and spoke up for me! Not in front of everyone, but you told the teacher."

"It was gross," he defends with a chuckle.

She nods in agreement, "really gross. My point is, even if you moved in silence, you still stood up for me."

He smiles appreciatively, deciding to change the topic.

"So...you and Robin are dating now? Plus living together?" He questions with a raised brow. "Should I be concerned?"

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