10: Robin's Bandanna.....Also His Forehead

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Confidence was one of Robin's strongest assets. It always has been.

He's used to walking the hallway alone, pip in his step, nodding at some of his peers as if he's some sort of celebrity. Popularity treats him well, but mainly he cares about respect. So long as they knew he could kick their ass, they would never put him in the position to.

He didn't think walking down the hall with that feeling could get much better, but Valentina just proved him wrong.

She isn't his girl, but it damn well feels like it as they walk hand in hand to her 5th period. The giddiness is just catching up, and his heart swells with a new type of confidence. He's glowing. Radiating whatever this new feeling she's presented him with is called.

He feels on top of the world, like he's the coolest person ever with her by his side. She's beautiful. And she's holding hands with him.

He pretends to be unfazed by the attention, but really, he quite enjoys that everyone's watching. That way they know she's not available to them. True, they may not be dating, but there was something there that made him begin to deduce if he wanted them to be.

He turns to examine her expression as they walk through the crowded hall, finding her with her usual neutral expression. She seems a bit nervous, but her mouth is upturned slightly in a smile.

When they finally reach her classroom, she turns her feet towards him and directs a larger smile in his direction.

"Thanks, Robin. You know we don't have to hold hands though, right? People definitely are getting the wrong idea," she shyly points out, clutching her hands together in front of herself.

"I still don't care what any of those gringos think, honestly," he shrugs, keeping his hand clutched in hers. "But if it bothers you, I'll stop."

"It doesn't," she shakes her head. "Just making sure."

He nods and glances down at the headphones around her neck, then back up to her. "Can I borrow that? My next class is boring. I don't wanna listen to Ms. Jonie's voice or I might die."

She laughs and let's go of his hand. She proceeds to take the headphones from around her neck and put them over his. He grins widely, watching as she unclips the box and clips it to the belt he's wearing. When she looks back up at him, their faces are very close. While he doesn't mind at all, she turns pink and moves a few steps back while clearing her throat.

"Um, you might not like my music," she shyly states in an apologetic tone.

He shakes his head, "nah, I will. Whatever it is. Probably."

She gives a single nod and turns to walk into her class, "see ya at lunch."

He grabs hold of her wrist and spins her back to face him. Her eyes light up with confusion and she raises a brow. Letting go, he begins to untie the bandanna around his head.

"Here. Trade for trade," he explains, going to tie it around her wrist. "You can give me that later."

When he looks back up into her eyes, they're sparkling- and he knows he made the right move. With a bit of hesitation, she silently reaches over and fixes the top of his hair. Even though his face remains neutral, his heart is tensing in his chest by the tenderness in her lingering touch.

Then, she pulls her hand away, gives him a brief nod, and walks into her class.

The bell rings, snapping him from his thoughts. The teacher comes to the door, gives him an agitated look, and shuts the door.

"Shit," he grumbles to himself. "I'm late now."

Even though he knows he'll be facing consequences, he can't wipe the grin climbing onto his face as he pops the mixtape out of the device and takes a look at it. It reads "Valentina's World".

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