15: Hello Kitty Bandaids

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After breakfast that morning, both Finney and Valentina walked home together. More specifically, Valentina walked Finney home.

The following Monday, Valentina returned with the same glow she had on the first day she knew Robin would be waiting for her. Since the weekend, she's felt refreshed- well, at least after recovering from her hang over. She's also had a lot of time to review her feelings for Robin, which she only realized existed after being hounded by Finn during their walk.

It's true, Robin made her feel things she's either never felt, or only felt once before when she was with Vance. But what did that mean? Does that mean she wants to be with him? Would that even be ok? Plus, does he even like her back?

So many questions run rampant in her mind, but she pushes it all away with a sigh and decides to focus instead on the excitement brewing in her stomach because she'll be seeing him again within the next few minutes.

There's a bit of skip in her step and a smile on her face as she imagines the feeling of his hand in hers.

Entering the school, she expects to see Robin waiting by her locker like always, but instead she sees a crowd formed close by. And no Robin. In a hurry, she rushes to the crowd, trying to get a glimpse of what's going down. She's nudged back a few times, but the sound of a familiar voice causes her to force her way through.

She's appalled at the scene before her. Robin is on top of Tyler Harrison, beating him relentlessly. Even worse than his fight with Moose. The only difference is this time they're on school grounds and risk serious trouble.

"Say some shit like that again, pinche puto pendejo! I fucking dare you!" He yells angrily, refusing to let up his punches as Tyler tries to push him off.

Valentina just stands in pure shock, totally confused by what could've happened in the 15-20 minutes he waited for her.

"Get off me, man!" Tyler yells, covering his face with his hands.

This doesn't stop Robin from continuing his lashings. Teachers approaching the scene cause the crowd to open up, and even while being pulled away, Robin struggles against the teacher to get back to Tyler who is now cowardly struggling to move away and hits his back against the lockers in his attempt.

His face is bloody and swollen in many areas, tears evidently streaming down his face as he looks to the crowd with both relief and embarrassment.

He is pulled away by a nurse, meanwhile Robin is fighting against his restrainer in desperation.

"ROBIN ARELLANO. You better calm yourself boy, or you'll be facing harsher consequences than you already are," Coach Odum threatens, trying to keep his restraint on the struggling boy.

"BITE ME," Robin yells back, clearly hazy with anger.

"2 weeks detention, Arellano, cut it out before I make it more," the man threatens, struggling to hold the boy in place as he squirms around.

Finally, he stops his struggles. Once the coaches grip loosens, he angrily pushes his way out of his grasp. Odum grabs his arm and begins to drag him away.

Snapping out of her daze, Valentina moves to get his attention. She manages to catch his eye and give him a questioning look, he only turns away with a shameful expression. As he's pulled down the hall and into the principals office, she watches after him with a saddened expression.

The bell rings, and kids begin to clear the hallway. In a split decision, Valentina decides to hide in the janitors closet when everyone is gone and before anyone can notice. Her heart is racing both in fear of being caught and in exhilaration of witnessing the brawl that just occurred.

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