37: Top 10 Anime Betrayals (Robin is Stubborn, but Valentina is too)

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New Years was a brilliant celebration spent in the essence of love and companionship. The time had come and gone, and the group of friends were back to their dreaded day to day life of school. It's only been a week back in classes, and yet they're all already longing for the next break to begin. At least it's Friday though!

Finney is stood by Valentina's locker, discussing an upcoming essay about what happened over the break while they wait for Robin.

"Can you help me grammar check when I'm done? I really suck at writing," he asks her, watching as she reorganizes her locker for what seems like the millionth time. "You're, like, the best writer I know."

She chuckles softly, nodding her head, "sure thing. You aren't that bad though, just a few run on sentences here and there most of the time."

"I don't know what to write about," he complains with an amused expression. "What am I supposed to say? I opened one lame gift and then had to peel my dad off the kitchen floor because he drank too much adult eggnog?"

"Well, definitely don't say that," she snickers, shutting her locker. "Just come up with something else. I mean, it's not like someone will know you're lying! Hell, write what your perfect Christmas would be like."

With a thoughtful expression he replies, "good idea. Maybe I will."

She nods, looking all around the buzzing hallway. "Where the hell is Robin? What's taking him so long? He's usually waiting outside of my classroom for me."

Finney shrugs.

A nosy student beside them peaks over to her, butting into the conversation, "I-I saw him fighting Matty Damon."

Her eyes widen at the information. Finney just becomes nervous.

"What?" She mutters out in distress. "Are you for real?"

The kid nods before shutting his locker and speedily walking off in another direction.

She and Finn stare after him before their attention is quickly diverted to a voice calling to them from down the hall.

"Aye! Amor! Over here!" Robin shouts to them with a smile as bright as ever, as he strides down the hall to them. "Sorry I'm late. Had some shit to sort out. Kiss?"

"No, kiss," she shuts down immediately with an annoyed glare. "Where were you?"

His smile drops and he holds up his hands defensively, "I-I....I was just talking to Ms. Jonie about something!"

"You? Talking to Ms. Jonie? By choice? Really?" She replies with raised eyebrows and a disbelieving expression.

Nervously, he nods and shifts a pleading glance to Finn, "yeah!"

Finney nervously turns away from his glance, not wanting to be apart of the developing argument nor have to take sides. After readjusting the books in his hands, he offers the two a half smile and says, "I-I think I'm gonna go to our spot. Gwen is probably waiting so...see you guys there."

Robin looks after him desperately as he rushes away.

Valentina stays glued to her spot, eyes fixated on him.

"Are you lying to me right now?" She quizzes, keeping her stern expression.

He sighs, looking down at his boots, "alright, yes. I had to beat the shit out of Matty because-"

"Had to?" She interrupts, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, hear me out," he insists while looking up to her with a pleading look, "he was talking shit about Finn again."

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