33: Could've Copped a Feel

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Time passed quickly in Colorado. The air grew colder, the streets began to pile on snow, and the town seemed to become more and more spirited as Christmas neared.

Eventually, school let out for christmas break. Before anyone knew it, Christmas Day had rolled around.

Valentina is beyond nervous. She feels like someone set off a pile of firecrackers in her stomach. For the past few nights in a row, no matter how often Robin reassured her everything would be fine, she couldn't help but grow anxious every time she rehearsed the scenario of meeting his uncle and family in her head.

On top of that, there's been the added stress of her mom being home.

It hasn't been hard to hide Robin considering she's only ever home late at night and early in the morning, but the woman did question her daughters recent need to lock the door to her room- seeing as she's never done so before. Valentina just blamed it on the recent kidnappings as well as her absence, which seemed to work well enough.

Just the night before, after staying up quite late to wait for her mother, she finally brought up the topic of Robin.

Valentina is sat bouncing her leg nervously on the couch as she watches her mother untie and kick off her shoes in a fit of exhaustion. When the woman's eyes finally drift up to her, she stiffens and straightens her back immediately.

Alma offers the girl a tired smile, quickly catching onto her timid behavior.

"¿Que es?" She chuckles, leaning back on the couch cushions with a sigh. "I know you make that face when you're scared."

(Translation: what is it?)

Valentina cracks a smile, "It's that easy to tell, huh?"

Her mother nods, gesturing for her to continue.

"Well, I'm not sure where to start," she admits with a shy giggle. "...tengo novio."

Alma raises a brow, "¿Un novio? ¿Cuando esto pasó? ¿Cúal es su nombre? ¿Quiénes son sus padres? Mexicano o Gringo?"

(Translation: A boyfriend? When did this happen? What is his name? Who are his parents? Mexican or White?)

Valentina quickly sits forward, answering each question hurriedly as if to defend her case, "Pasó hace poco, su nombre es Robin Arellano, él... no vive con sus padres... y no es que sea importante, pero mexicano."

(Translation: It happened recently, his name is Robin Arellano, he....doesn't live with his parents...and not that it's important, but Mexican.)

"Sí es importante," she argues with a pointed look. "¿Por qué no vive con sus padres? ¿Con quién vive?"

(Translation: It's important. Why doesn't he live with his parents? Who does he live with?)

The girl sighs, looking down at her folded hands, "his dad died. His mom is bad. She didn't treat him right, so now he's living with a friend."

Alma looks suspicious, but simply nods. "Ok. So what else? I can tell there's more."

Valentina laughs a little, giving her the best set of puppy dog eyes she can muster, "can he spend Christmas with us? When you get home, I mean. And he'll go home when we're done opening gifts! Please, mamí! He's sweet, I promise, and he doesn't have many other people to spend Christmas with."

"Aye, mí vida. Seguro que puedes elegirlos," she chuckles softly. "If you like this boy so much, you better hope I like him too. What size does he wear?"

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