28: What Happen's in Girl Time Stays in Girl Time

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At some point, Gwen and Valentina were bored with the movie and moved to her room to have "girl time". This consisted of her doing Gwen's make up while gossiping over various topics, and listening to her only other available tape (seeing as hers is no longer in her possession)- aka the one Vance made.

Which, of course, brought along the topic of Vance.

"I do feel weird about dating Robin when Vance could still be out there," she admits with a soft frown. "Like, maybe I didn't wait long enough before moving on, or something. I feel like he deserves better than that, but at the same time, I really like Robin. We've been through a lot together in a short amount of time, and I know for sure I would never wanna lose him. And I also don't wanna waste time we could be spending together."

"You waited a whole year, that's a pretty long time if you ask me," Gwen argues, trying to keep still while her lipstick is being done. "Plus, you can't help the way you feel. Vance wouldn't want you moping around, would he?"

"I don't think so, no. But I can't really answer for him," she points out with a sigh. "I hope he can forgive me."

"I'm sure he will. Plus...it seems like Robin really needs you right now."

Valentina nods lightly, "I think we need each other."

When the lipstick is finished and she begins to move on to eyeshadow, Gwen decides to investigate a topic that's been on her mind.

"Can I ask you a serious question. And you have to answer honestly, don't be weird about it," she begs, opening her eyes to take a peak at the girl before her.

Valentina nods, "sure, what's on your mind?"

"Have you guys...like...done it?" She questions, watching Valentina's face carefully as it morphs into embarrassment. "I'm asking because you seem really really close lately. I'm not judging, I just wanna know. And I wanna know the details."

"We haven't," she answers honestly with a shy look. "We have kissed a lot though."

"Ok, follow up question," Gwen adds, eyes locked onto her neck. "Is that a hickey?"

At first, she's just confused, but then her eyes widen in realization, and suddenly, Valentina is rushing to look at herself in the mirror beside her bed. Moving her hair aside, she examines the spot to find that it is reddened and possibly in the process of darkening beyond that.

Turning back to Gwen with a flustered expression, she slowly walks back and continues her make up.

"Yeah," she answers softly, unsure of how to react. "It is. I didn't realize that's what he was aiming for, but it makes sense."

"So you guys just make out and now he's giving you hickies? Don't you think that might eventually lead to....you know," the younger girl questions genuinely. "I mean...do you want to?"

Valentina sits in thought before responding, "I want to eventually. Not yet. But I'm not against the idea. Actually, I can't really imagine anyone else as my first now that I'm with him."

Gwen nods lightly, "so....is he a good kisser?"

"He is. Really good," she chuckles, feeling giddy over the topic. "I feel like...I'm fire when he kisses me. Earlier, I kissed him with tongue."

"Shut up! Did you really?" Gwen asks in disbelief, pushing the girl back lightly.

Valentina gives a curt nod.

"Wow. What was it like? Did you make the first move or him?" She interrogates further, highly engaged in the topic.

"I did! And he was the one all surprised for once. Can you believe it? You should've seen his face, it was pretty cute actually," Valentina giggles. "I've never seen him nervous like that."

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