45: See You On The Other Side

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There's that voice again. So familiar and warm.

"Valentina! Please!"

It echoes all around her in the dark abyss she stands in. It's not quite clear what direction it's coming from, who's saying it, or why they sound so urgent, but it sounds so familiar to her. She wants to shake herself from her slumber, but she finds it increasingly hard.

"Valentina, wake your ass up! Now!"

Her eyes shoot up, once again expecting to see Vance. Instead, there is no one.

She is so confused.

She's confused about where she is, about why she's here, about how she's here, and about where Vance is- because she's sure she heard him this time. It was him. It definitely was. So, where is he?

She looks all around herself, still not fully registering what's going on. The room she's in is solid concrete and though her vision is blurry, she can tell it's a place she's seen before, but from another angle. Her shoulder is so tense and sore, she attempts to pull forward to readjust, but is tugged back. Diverting her eyes to her wrist, she observes the tight handcuff and everything immediately comes flooding back to her.

In a panic, she looks all around her, and is somewhat relieved to find Finney asleep close by.

"Finney!" She calls out desperately, maneuvering her body around to use her free arm to grab hold of him.

As her fingers clutch the fabric of his shirt, everything feels so real.

He's here. He's really here.

Her eyes water with tears as she releases the fabric and moves her hand up to grip onto his shoulder tightly. She shakes lightly, trying hard to keep herself from crying hysterically.

"FINNEY! Finney! It's me! It's me! Tini! I'm here for you! I came Finney!" She desperately begs through tears, shaking him more frantically. "Please wake up!"

Finally, the boy begins to stir.

At first he pushes away from her in fear, consumed with confusion. However, as his eyes adjust, they shift from distrust into relief. Without saying a thing or questioning anything, he rushes to tackle the girl into a hug.

He audibly cries out with joy, kissing her hair and cheeks while being unable to suppress his relief and excitement to see her. She smiles through his gestures, wrapping her free arm tightly around his back as he leans over her. Tears stream down her face, and despite their circumstances, they are tears of pure unbridled joy.

"Valentina!" He groggily coos. "You're here! You're here! Y-You came. I knew you would. I knew you would come."

"I'm here," she repeats with an equally overwhelmed tone. "Always and forever, right?"

He pulls back to look at her, eyes brimming with tears. "Yeah."

Their cute moment is cut short by the sound of glass shattering loudly throughout the room. The two jump at the sound, clearly startled by the sudden noise. Especially considering their circumstances.

Confusingly, there is no one.

Just pieces of shattered glass shards surrounding the wall beside the basement door.

Valentina's eyes widen with curiosity and confusion. She turns to ask Finney if he knows what's going on, but the boy suddenly collapses, holding his ears tightly and letting out a yelp of pain.

"Finney?! FINNEY?!" She screams out in concern, moving to grab hold of the boys arm.

He stays holding his ears and gritting his teeth as if there's a loud noise ringing throughout them and causing him immense pain. The poor girl isn't sure what else to do besides hold onto to his arm and call his name.

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