11: Breaking the Rules for a....What's it Called...Barbecue!

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8th period is almost over, and for the entirety of it, Lillian has been giving Valentina the ugliest looks she can muster. Between every pause in the lecture, she'd turn in her chair and glare if Robin wasn't paying attention.

Finally having enough, Valentina waits patiently for Robin to be distracted. The next time he's focused in on his work, the blond turns in her seat like clockwork, but this time, when they lock eyes, Valentina smirks and sticks her tongue out triumphantly.

Man does that make Lillian fume. She looks like she might start stomping and screaming like a child, it only makes Valentina begin to snicker uncontrollably. The teacher glances up at her, giving her a warning look and she quickly quiets down, dropping her smirk and pretending to focus on her work again.

Robin looks up from his paper with an amused smile, "what? Why're you all giggly?"

"Nothing, nothing," she waves him off, going back to her paper.

The two go back to silence. As time ticks by, the silence becomes unbearable and Robin's frustration begins to grow, until finally he looks up at her. She notices and looks back.

"Do you know what the hell any of this shit means?" He questions, referencing the paper.

Valentina gives him a straight-faced look, "not at all."

The two stare at each other for a full minute before bursting into laughter.

Mrs. Scott looks up at them, less than amused. She then calls out to them, "Ms. Sanchez, Mr. Arellano, would you like to share what you both find so funny with the rest of the class?"

Everyone turns to look at them, most with curiosity and amusement. Lillian smirks, but it quickly falls when she sees the two enjoying themselves together.

Robin leans back in his chair and openly rolls his eyes while Valentina turns beet red and puts her face down in embarrassment.

"Sorry ma'am!" She quickly replies. "It won't happen again."

"Let's hope not. Next time, you'll both be separated. Save the laughter for when you're done with your class work," she demands with a stern expression.

Valentina nods, but Robin just rolls his eyes again and gets back to his assignment.

The silence continues for another 20 minutes, the two nearly done with their assignment. He takes multiple glances towards her, debating a decision to himself.

"Psst," he whispers to her.

She looks at him and shakes her head. With a finger to her mouth, she quietly shushes him.

Again, he taps her pencil on her page and whispers, "pssssst."

"Can't whatever you have to say wait till we finish the assignment!" She silently shouts at him.

He gives her a smug smile and nods. In a hurry, he finishes his assignment. She does too, and he takes both papers up to the teacher's desk. On his way back, Lillian offers him a smile, to which he diverts his eyes with a hardened expression.

When he gets back to the desk, he turns to her happily.

"May I speak now?" He jokes.

"You may. Proceed," she motions her hands for him to continue. "What is so important you would risk us being separated?"

"Don't be dramatic," he laughs lightly. "Anyway, I was gonna say: we're having a....damn, what's the word? Cook? No, no...es una parrillada? Una carne asada?....o la barbacoa? ..a barbecue!"

She giggles at his triumphant look, "who is we?"

"My neighbors have one every Friday. They party all hours of the night. The foods good, and they have...other fun things," he mischievously explains. "You should come."

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