29: Maybe They Don't Know Each Other As Well As She Thought

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The week passed quickly, with many interesting events transpiring. In the time that Robin has stayed with her, Valentina has began to learn a lot of things about him- random routines, habits, as well as his various fixations. Honestly, all of it intrigues her and even provides her with a new since of closeness to him.

What she fails to realize is that he has also picked up on the various little things she does. Like now, how she always had to turn the radio on before she could proceed with any other tasks or routines. And she always had to turn the volume knob up or down in even increments.

He didn't think it was possible to grow so close to someone without also growing tired of them, but of course, Valentina had to prove that wrong too.

Now, the two were getting ready together in her room, preparing for the antics to come. They still plan to attend the party at the Moon tower, and Robin plans to enjoy it to the fullest.

After spraying himself with cologne and tightening his bandanna, he glances over to Valentina who is sat in front of her body length mirror, doing her make up. Her hands move to repetitively coat her eyelashes with mascara, annunciating their length and thickness. Unexpectedly, he is enraptured with her make up process, watching her go through each step, then pull back to check her appearance before continuing to the next step. He closely watches the way it ever so slightly changes her appearance. In all honesty, he's impressed! Girls were so talented, they could practically shape shift.

Meanwhile, he was done getting ready a long time ago and just sat on her bed. But as cheesy as it sounds, he really could watch her all day and that would be enough to entertain him for a lifetime.

"Going to California" by Led Zeppelin plays softly.

As she moves onto her lip liner, she feels the set of eyes on her and turns back to catch his stare. She simply offers a contagious smile, to which he quickly returns.

"Watching me?" She questions teasingly.

He smirks, "yup."

She turns back to her mirror, "you can smoke if you want?"

"Do you want to?" He replies.

She traces some lip liner and pauses before responding, "um, maybe a little when I'm finished. Can you roll? Or do you need me to? I have a bong you can use too-"

"You have a bong?!" He leans forward in surprise. "Where? How? Where did you get it?"

She laughs and shakes her head, "it's under the sink, behind the towels and toilet paper. It's Vance's, I actually don't know where he got it? Probably some random bought it for him. Who's to say. Just be careful with it."

He nods, moving to the bathroom to grab it. After opening the sink cabinet up, he moves things aside to carefully pull it out and place it on the counter. His eyes light up at the object as he slowly examines it, then he proceeds to packing a bowl.

While Valentina finishes up her blush, Robin has already began to hit the bowl and cough loudly. She turns to watch him with an amused smile. When he realizes she's watching, he points the mouth of the bong towards her, gesturing for her to join.

She giggles, moving to stand up and approach him. Then, she takes it and lights the bowl as she inhales with ease. When she exhales the smokes, she points it to his face, creating a cloud around him. Taken by surprise, he waves it away with a smile.

"You're too fine," he compliments, giving her a confident smirk.

"Shut up," she grins, turning away from him.

"Ready?" He asks, watching her set the bong aside.

She nods, "yeah. Who did you say was picking us up?"

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