6: Commonalities

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The bell ringing caused Valentina to practically have a heart attack. She jumps so hard, she nearly falls out of her chair, but catches herself just in time and glances around with a confused expression.

Robin's laughter causes her to turn towards him with a look of distain.

"¿Estás bien?" He chuckles with an amused smile. "Nice to see you aren't dead. I thought I might have to check your pulse for a second there."

(Translation: are you ok?)

"Ha. Ha. Ha," she rolls her eyes, gathering her things much slower than usual.

He waits up for her, watching as she sluggishly throws her bag over her shoulder while standing up out of her chair. The two exit the classroom together, avoiding being knocked around by the buzzing crowd.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks, raising his voice so she can hear.

She smiles towards him before replying, "better than I have in a while. Really, thank you, Robin. I owe you one."

As they walk down the hallway, they pass a group of girls who shoot her a glare. Lillian is among them and stops her gossiping just to glare as she walks past, something that confuses the girl beyond belief. What was their problem?

Robin doesn't seem to notice them at all.

"You can make it up to me by coming over to my place," he smoothly demands, still following closely by her side.

She stops walking, totally surprised by his 'request'.

"Woah, woah, woah," she replies hesitantly. "I only met you, like, yesterday. I don't wanna get, like, murdered."

He rolls his eyes, "I'm not the grabber. You'll be fine. And that's the point of you coming over."

"What? To be murdered?" She smirks, walking towards her locker.

"To get to know each other," he corrects, admiring the teasing glint in her eye. "You're kind of a smart ass."

"You have no idea," she laughs, taking her time to put her things away. "I don't know, Robin. I don't think you're the grabber, but I also don't feel like it would be very smart of me to go to your place when I barely know you."

"Like I said, we can get to know each other," he pleads, leaning on the lockers beside her. "You said it yourself that you're lonely, well I am too! I can use the company. Come on, Valentina!"

Her cheeks tint and she crosses her arms over herself.

"Ok...I did say that, but I thought you would forget," she grumbles.

"Forget? Within 30 minutes of you telling me?" He laughs heartily, finding her embarrassed behavior adorable.

She groans, throwing her head back, "I was tired, ok?"

"Tired or not, it was the truth, and you know it. Why not do the solution to your problem and not be alone?" He insists in a matter-of-fact tone. "Plus, then I wouldn't be lonely either. Or we could both be lonely together, at least. Don't be a hard head."

For a moment she stands thoughtfully. To be fair, it's not like she was gonna go home to anything. She would probably just cry like the day before. She lets a deep breath while Robin waits in front of her with anticipation. By now, the hallway has cleared out and it's only the two of them.

Finally, she looks up into his eyes and gives a slight nod.


"Fuck, yeah!" He cheers, grabbing the girl by her arm and dragging her off out of the school and in the direction of his house.

Grab N' Go [Robin Arellano]Where stories live. Discover now