38: Numb

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Valentina felt wrong. Her heart wouldn't settle in her chest, and she could feel tears pricking at her eyes. She's too afraid to look back. Afraid that she might see that Robin didn't follow her. And after following Lillian for around 10 minutes, it becomes clear to her that he didn't. He really did leave her.

A few tears escape her eyes, but she wipes them away harshly.

As she's going down the hall, she comes across Finney and Gwen who haven't left school grounds yet. They seem confused by her presence while she feels relief.

"Tini? What're you doing here? Did you miss the bus? Where's Robin?" Gwen questions worriedly, looking all around her for their bandanna wearing friend.

Valentina shakes her head, "he...went on the bus. I had to stay to catch up with Lillian."

"Lillian?" Finney repeats with confusion. "Why?"

Gwen looks equally confused, though more curious than anything.

"That's the favor Matty asked me for. I have to get her to leave his sister alone," she explains.

Finney frowns, "but that means you missed the bus for this. And you have to walk home alone."

Since he knows about her run in with the grabber, he also knows the risk she's putting herself in. And for his sake, no less. The whole thing makes his stomach twist and turn with guilt as he assumes that on top of the risk she's in, it probably sparked a fight with Robin. After all, he knows well enough how stubborn Robin can be, and he would surely never like the idea of her helping a bully. His bully.

Maybe he should be upset too, but he's a bit more thoughtful. He tends to think things through in a more complex way than Robin, enabling himself to see more than one perspective. Hell, more than two. So, he decides that Valentina is performing a selfless act in his defense, and he feels greatly indebted to her.

"I'll stay and walk you home," he states.

Gwen nods in agreement, not seeing the issue with the idea. She may not know about the grabber, but she knows it's not safe to walk home alone when you're a small girl. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I would offer to, but Susie is waiting for me. It's Friday...so, you know. We always walk together to her house on Fridays."

Valentina shakes her head and waves them both off, "no I get it, Gwen. Finney, you don't have to. You should just go home like you were gonna do. Don't worry about-"

"I'm not arguing about it," he softly cuts her off, attempting to keep his determined look from faltering. "Let me do a favor for you too."

The two look between each other before she sighs and gives in.

"Ok, fine, but you'll have to wait around the corner while I talk to her," she explains reluctantly. "Otherwise she won't take me as serious. It needs to be one on one."

He nods silently.

Gwen looks back and forth between them before patting her bag, "welp, I should be going. Susie, and all. See ya?"

"See ya," Valentina gives her a soft smile.

Finney gives her a hug, watching as she skips along out of the school and towards her usual weekend path. Then, he follows along with Valentina who hurriedly aims in the direction he assumes Lillian is. It strays from his own path home, but that's the last thing on his mind right now. Sure enough, once they reach the outdoors, they can see the girl walking a few blocks ahead.

Finn deduces that Valentina is nervous. He can tell because of the way her hand keeps balling into a fist and then releasing, and then repeating the action. In an attempt to comfort her, he reaches out to hold her hand. Not in a way that's overly intimate- their fingers don't interlock, or anything like that. He simply cups his hand around hers and offers a squeeze.

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