14: Accidental Cuddles + Hangovers

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The next morning, Robin is confused to be awaken by a bright flash. Bringing his fist up to rub his eyes, he tries to focus through his squint. When he's finally able to adjust to the brightness of his room, his eyes settle on Finney who's stood above him shaking a Polaroid picture.

Upon seeing his awakened state, Finney smiles.

"Well, good morning," he smirks.

Robin doesn't respond, feeling the immediate need to stretch his arm instead, but as he goes to do so, he feels a weight holding him down. Sure enough, after glancing down, he's met with the sight of Valentina cuddled into his side in a deep sleep.

A few moments pass before he feels himself fully awaken and heat crawl up the back of his neck.

He turns back to Finn and croaks out, "it's creepy to take pictures of people in their sleep, Finney-boy."

His voice is deep, groggy, and cackled with sleep.

"Oh, trust me," Finney smirks, "you're gonna want this one."

He tosses the picture to him and turns to walk out of the room while yelling over his shoulder, "get up! I made food."

He disregards the photo to yell back in a teasing tone, "you made food? Since when the hell do you cook, white boy?"

Finney doesn't respond, but he does roll his eyes as he leaves the room.

Robin takes the picture into his hands, examining it closely. Depicted in grainy pixelation is him and Valentina- her wrapped around him the way she is now, and him with an arm securely wrapped around her and a peaceful expression. Aside from the slight soreness in his arm from supporting her head, it was probably the best sleep he's had in a while. He sets the photograph on the table beside him, carefully.

Soon, the girl beside him is stirring awake as well, letting out groggy groans.

"God, I feel sick," she grumbles, smacking her lips.

It takes her a few moments to realize where she is, and then she jumps away from Robin who is simply laid there with a shit eating grin.

"You- how- where-" she sputters out with a nervous look. "Oh god, don't look at me like that."

He remains looking at her like that.

"Nice to see you're feeling ok," he comments.

" 'Ok' is a bit of an overstatement," she sighs, holding her head in an attempt to sooth her raging headache. "My head feels like it's gonna split in two. I feel like puking. My body hurts in random places."

He only laughs, watching her sit up with her eyes closed.

She's so pretty.

His mind wanders over her messy appearance. Her hair is fallen over her shoulder, once again sporting slight waves. His shirt droops over her shoulder, and her make up is slightly smeared yet somehow appealing.

"Drunk Valentina is fun as fuck," he tells her, moving to get out of bed. "You never told me you dance."

"Oh god," she grumbles. "Please tell me I didn't."

"You did," he chuckles, holding a hand out to her. "Come on. Finney cooked."

"Finney?" She raises a brow, taking his hand and climbing out of bed. "Since when can he cook?"

"That's what I said," he grins.

"I can hear you both!" Finney calls from the kitchen, making them both burst into a fit of giggles. "Remind me to never do something nice for either of you again!"

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