35: Finally Got to Cop a Feel

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Enjoy this very long chapter <3 shout out to all my supportive ass readers. Ily.

By the time the festivities had died down, Valentina had worn herself out being so helpful. When dinner was done, she helped clean up (by choice), then she played with the kids and their new toys that they opened that morning, which took the biggest toll on her.

Within an hour, the kids were in love with the girl, pulling her left and right while fighting over who got to play with her until she finally forced them to all play together. And then they played for hours! Robin was a little jealous having to share his girlfriend, but also beyond thrilled by how much his family adored her.

While she was busy with the kids, his uncle pulled him aside the give him his own gift and compliment Valentina once again. It made him proud to have his approval, seeing as he was the last father figure he had in his life.

The gift was a switch blade with his initials on it, something he genuinely appreciated considering his recent need to amp up on self defense.

When he went back inside to let her know it was time to leave, he was met with his current dilema.

Valentina is asleep on the couch with multiple little ones around her. One on each side, and one laid across. Rosa has already snapped numerous Polaroids of them all while squealing and trying to contain her love.

"Robin, your girlfriend is a godsend! I haven't had that much free time ever during a holiday. She had the kids occupied all day!" The woman preaches, handing him one of her many Polaroids. "I'm proud of you mijo, she's a wonderful girl."

"Thanks Tia," he replies with a smile, pocketing the picture in his jeans. "Do you think you can get the kids? So I can get her?"

"Of course," she nods. "Can you help me move them to the room?"

Without wasting a moment, the two work together to move all children into one room. It takes a few minutes, but when they're all moved, Rosa gives Robin a tight hug before leaving him to tend to his girlfriend.

At first, he isn't sure if waking her up would be the best option, but in the end decides he doesn't wanna risk carrying her and then slipping in the snow outside. So he shakes her shoulders lightly.

"Tini, we gotta go if we wanna make it back to your house in time," he lightly mumbles, doing his best to be gentle with her.

When she finally stirs awake, her eyes land on him and she looks around herself in confusion.

"They were moved," he explains, instantly knowing she's looking for the children. He softly yanks her up, pulling her to the door, "come on. We gotta go."

"But I didn't get to say bye to everyone!" She argues with a frown. "I don't wanna be rude."

"It's alright, you'll see them again," he reassures with a playful grin. "They loved you, so you'll be coming over more. Plus, they'll all be at our wedding."

She laughs and leans forward to pull him into a tight hug, causing his smile to broaden. "You flirt too much."

"Nah, you like it," he argues with a playful tone, gladly accepting her hug although it further prolongs their trip home. "Ok, as much as I like holding you, we really gotta go. I'm not trying to be late to your mom's Christmas. I want her to like me, so in your words, 'don't mess this up for me'."

She rolls her eyes, pulling away from him and trudging to the door, "yeah yeah, ok."

He follows after her in a hurry, grabbing her wrist and yanking her to a stop as they reach the front door. She turns back around with a confused look, rolling her eyes at the smug grin growing on his features.

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