13: Whatevers About to Happen, Please Make it Not Happen

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At some point, everything seemed to be hitting Valentina at once. Suddenly, being drunk didn't feel as floaty and nice as before. It's more like spinning nausea that you can't shake no matter what you try.

So, even though she doesn't want to, she tugs Robin to a stop in the dance circle.

With a questioning look, he glances down at her, and can tell almost immediately something is wrong.

"Robin, I feel...sick," she slurs out, trying to keep herself together. "I want Finney."

While the statement stirred something in his stomach, he simply gives a nod and wraps an arm around her waist, then begins to walk her back to the table. Though, he can't stop the questions that quickly rush to his mind. Such as: why does she need to turn to Finney for comfort when he's right there? He would know best what to do, after all.

"You're drunk," he explains to her calmly. "You probably need to throw up. It's alright, it happens. You'll feel better after."

She shakes her head and repeats, "I want Finney."

At this point, likely due to the alcohol, he can't hide the genuine annoyance from appearing in his expression. Still, she can't tell because she's too drunk to even walk straight.

Each step she takes is clumsy and she nearly steps on herself just attempting to put one foot in front of the other, stumbling about. It's thanks to Robin's trusty arm holding her up securely that she makes it to the table in one piece.

Finally, they reach their destination, and Finn offers them a lopsided smile. Until it dawns on him that something is wrong, and then it drops into concern.

"Finney," Valentina draws, eyes glossy and drifting all around, "will you come with me to the bathroom? I'm gonna puke."

She says it all so calmly, and even a little giddily, definitely not like someone who's about to puke. That said, it takes a few moments for him to register her words before snapping to action and standing up from him place to walk around the table to her. From there, he also goes to wrap an arm around her, but is stopped by his bandanna wearing friend.

"I got her. I'll walk you both to the bathroom," he tells him, turning the girl around and beginning his walk to the door to the house. "Do you think you can make it to my house? Or should we go to the bathroom here?"

"I don't even know if I can make it across the yard," she tells him honestly through a drunken laugh.

He can't help but laugh back a little, picking up the speed in his step, "well, shit. You're really fucking drunk, Valentina. But please don't throw up on me, or you're gonna owe me a million."

"I don't even have three dollars," she giggles.

He grins and shakes his head, "guess you would just have to make it up some other way."

"Shhhh, if I focus too hard on you talking I can't focus on not puking," she hums as her eyes begin to droop close in focus. "God, I feel so sick, Robin. Where's Finney?"

"Right here," Finney announces his presence, giving the girl a reassuring smile. "Man, you're totally sloshed."

She only giggles, still trying to focus on keeping her food down. Finally, they're going up the steps of the porch and into the house. Inside, it's quiet except for the sound of muffled music from outside. There are various kids sprawled out in random places, one even on a set of dining chairs pushed together with a jacket for a blanket.

They walk past them all and into a narrow hall, finally reaching the bathroom.

"I'll wait out here," Robin states after walking her into the small bathroom and stepping back into the hallway. "Let me know if you need anything."

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