16: The Story of How Gwen was Definitely NOT Spying

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"And then, she danced like 30+ songs with total strangers!" Finney dramatically tells his sister, recounting the events of the barbecue as the four sit for lunch.

Gwen can't stop laughing, "no way! Valentina, you can dance?"

"I don't know, I guess. I think most Mexicans have that down at least," she giggles embarrassedly, a soft pink coating her cheeks.

"Come on, teach me right now!" Gwen cheers, quickly standing up and trying to pull the girl up with her. "Come on, Valentina! Come on!"

Robin looks between the two girls with an amused grin.

"Nooooo," she begs, trying to stay down, but ultimately getting up with Gwen. "We don't even have music."

"We can pretend," Gwen shrugs, getting into a dancing position.

"Ok, fine," she gives in with a smile. "Just try to follow my lead."

Finney and Robin watch while holding in laughs as the two girls begin to sway about clumsily. Even with Valentina speaking out instructions about where to step, Gwen is ultimately failing and clumsily stepping in the wrong directions or on Valentina's feet.

After taking the wrong step one too many times and misplacing her other foot, Gwen falls back with a yelp, sending Valentina toppling over with her. The two break into giggles, neither moving at all. It's just Valentina hunched over Gwen as they both laugh up a storm. The two boys release their laughter at this point as well.

"Damn, you suck, Gwen," Robin playfully insults. "Can't say I'm surprised though."

"Shut up! I bet you weren't much better!" She retaliates, taking her place beside Finney as they both get up from their fallen position.

"I was better than you!" He argues back.

"Are we just gonna pretend I was the only one drunk, like Finney wasn't there stuffing tacos into his face?" Valentina points out with a teasing smirk.

Gwen raises her brows, "no way! You were drunk!? No way, I don't believe it!"

"Drunk is a strong word," Finney downplays.

Robin laughs, "yeah, a strong word that doesn't even describe it well enough. He was sloshed. We were just too focused on Valentina to point it out."

Finney shakes his head, "whatever."

Gwen is staring in pure shock, jaw open as she stares at her brother. "I swear, I always miss the good stuff!"

"It was pretty fun," Valentina admits, taking her spot by Robin again. "Thank you for taking us, Robin. You're really the best."

Robin smiles appreciatively at her, giving a nod as a thank you.

"So, Robin, nice bandaid! What was that fight about earlier?" Gwen interrogates, leaning forward in curiosity. "You went totally ballistic! I was like, 'damn, Robin's crazier than I thought!' And I only caught the last few minutes."

The three others look awkward almost immediately. Finney looks awkward because he's encouraged Robin to stop fighting multiple times, Valentina because she knows it's about her, and Robin because he's embarrassed to have lost his temper so bad.

Gwen picks up on the drastic vibe change, raising a brow. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Nah, you're good," Robin waves her off, leaning back on the palms of his hands. "Tyler's a bitch and he didn't know how to keep his mouth shut, so I taught him a lesson. Pretty sure he won't be saying dumb shit anymore."

Gwen nods in agreement, "yeah, probably not. Anita Shelstrop said it looked like he peed his pants."

"Damn," Finney shakes his head. "You need to be careful, Robin. You could've gotten in trouble."

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