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"We really don't have to do all this, Robin," Valentina insists, sitting on the floor of her living room with her face scrunched up in distaste as she creates another horrid looking Christmas decoration. "My mom and I usually just open gifts and call it a night. We don't do all this."

It's the first official week of their Christmas break, and since the moment they woke up, Robin has been insistent that they decorate the house- including a Christmas tree. Where he got one, she has no clue. She just knows he woke her up this morning with a huge grin talking about crafting up some decorations to put on it.

When she got to the living room, there it was- a fake tree, a bit scrawny looking, along with an array of items for arts and crafts all over the floor.

"Trust me, it'll look badass. You can't have Christmas without a Christmas tree!" He insists, setting aside another finished decoration the pile of others he's made.

She raises a brow after glancing at his pile. He is surprisingly very good at it- all of his decorations look neat, colorful, and like they could be expensive despite the fact that they're made out of paper, plastic, and glitter.

"You're pretty good at that," she compliments, admiring the way his face breaks into a grin though he keeps his focus on the new ornament he's working on.

"Thanks. My tia Rosa has this tradition for the kids where we would all make decorations for our tree every year. It's sorta like a competition para los niños. Winner gets to open a present. Obviously I'm the best of the best, so they made me stop competing last year," he brags, smirking childishly.

(Translation: for the kids)

She rolls her eyes, "let me guess, your competitors were all children?"

He holds in his laugh while she freely breaks into giggles, "Hey! Kids or not, soy el mejor de los mejores!"

(Translation: I'm the best of the best!)

"Whatever," she snickers in amusement. "Pass me the glue. And where did you get this, anyway? I wake up and suddenly there's a tree in my living room. What are you, some sort of fake tree lumberjack?"

"I saw the neighbor put it out on the street yesterday, he said they're trashing it because they have a new bigger one," he mockingly replies. "La gente es tan codiciosa. Small trees are just fine! I mean, same shit. You use it for like half a month every year, what difference does it make?"

(Translation: people are so greedy)

"I don't know," she smiles and gives a soft shrug, keeping her eyes on the ornament in her hands. "It might be...nice to have a big tree one day, don't you think?"

His eyes flicker up to her with surprise, immediately noticing the dreamy look in her eyes as she admires the oddly shaped ornament in her hand.

As his face breaks into a smile, he nods, "if that's what you want, I promise I'll make it happen one day. I'll buy you the biggest tree in the lot- and a real one too. Our house is gonna reek of pine! Just watch, mi vida, it'll be enormous."

Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink at the term of endearment, but that is soon covered up by the large smile that dawns her cheeks.

It's really does make her feel so special that Robin would be so quick to abandon his previous perspective just to make her happy. And the way he says 'our house' as if to insinuate he also thinks of their future together. The fact that he pictures their own home makes her want to kiss him on the spot.

"You really suck at making ornaments though, maybe you should leave it to me," he adds, immediately wiping the smile clean from her face and turning it into a soft glare.

She throws the ornament in his direction, making him flinch as it bounces off his forehead with a 'bonk'.

"Ow!" He whines, rubbing the spot while trying to hide his playful smile.

"You're such a jerk!" She complains, rolling her eyes and standing up to walk to the kitchen.

He hurriedly shuffles to his feet, following after her with a puppy dog expression, "I was kidding! Come back! I promise I won't make any more comments about your ugly ornaments!"


An orange bounces off his noggin.


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