44: Simple Man

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"Son, I'm going to need you to be a little clearer about your accusation," Detective Wright patiently sits across from Robin in the interrogation room, trying to make the atmosphere as unthreatening as possible.

Despite his calm demeanor and attempt to be approachable, the boy before him still stays tight lipped and stiff with intimidation.

"I don't know," Robin replies, anxiously glancing off.

Wright looks to detective Miller, who seems to be far less patient than him.

"Well, why did you want the police called then? Why did you claim the grabber has your friend?" He questions the younger boy insistently. "You said you know things about him, but now you're quiet. And I find it strange that the grabber would kidnap a girl when all he's been after is boys in the past."

Robin continues to sit there, staring off in a daze.

When they first arrived at that house, he didn't exactly know what to expect.

"Ma'am," an officer nods towards the woman, turning his attention to the boy.

Dina smiles and waves, walking towards the two officers parked before her house, "hi, there. This is that boy I was telling you about, claims he needs your assistance. Was in hysterics a few moments ago."

The officer looks behind her at the boy sat on the porch. He does in fact look shaken, but not so bad that it raises any red flags. So, he walks around her to approach him slowly.

"Hey, kid," the man greets with a nod. "What's going on?"

Robin looks up at him with a desperate expression. "My friend is missing. The grabber took my friend."

The officer isn't quite sure what to think of the situation.

"Your friend? You're sure?" He asks in surprise.

Robin nods. "I'm sure. Please, you've got to help me. I know...I know things about him. The grabber."

Now the officer's eyes are wide with shock. He quickly escorts the boy to his car. "We'll take you in for some questioning and do what we can."

He only nods, ignoring whatever it is he radios in to the others as they drive off. All he can do his wave softly to Dina from the backseat of the cop car. She waves back before disappearing with distance.

Upon arriving at the police department, he completely froze up. Mostly because the detectives that took him into this shitty room for questioning didn't seem to be taking him seriously. Not one bit,

Detective Miller stares at the unresponsive boy with an agitated expression.

"Well? Kid. This is a serious thing. You can't just waste our time because you want attention-"

Detective Wright holds up a hand, effectively cutting his partner off before adjusting himself to lean forward. His movement snaps Robin from his daze, and the two catch eyes in a telling stare.

"Son, we wanna help. We can't help your friend if you won't tell us anything," he softly explains, giving the boy a patient look.

Robin takes a moment to nervously think his situation over.

Diverting his eyes to his hands, he begins to speak, "Valentina is my girlfriend."

"That's nice," Wright nods, encouraging him to continue.

"...she....she use to date Vance Hopper," he begins, looking up at both of them and catching onto their suddenly engaged expressions.

He now has both their attention.

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