25: Why Robin's REALLY Failing Math

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"Tini, wake up," Finney calls, shaking the girl lightly. "Lunch is over. Wake up!"

Robin wakes up first, jolting in surprise, but remaining balanced enough to keep Valentina laid safely on top of him. He'd be lying if he said his back wasn't killing him right now.

Slowly, the girl begins to stir from her sleep. After a moment of processing, she rolls off Robin, allowing him to sit up and stretch out his limbs and spine. Meanwhile, she stays laid in the grass with a sleepy look. It takes Finney tugging her upright to pull her out of her haze.

"Come on, or we'll all be late," the boy insists, offering them both a hand up.

They both take his offer, nearly tugging him down in the process. When they're both up, they dust themselves off and take their things before joining Finney's side.

"Where's Gwen?" Valentina questions, grabbing hold of Robin's hand habitually while linking her free arm with Finn's.

He glances at her, then back to their path, "she didn't wanna be late to class so she bolted. You guys sleep ok?"

"My backs killing me. Pretty sure there was a rock under my shoulder," Robin complains before glancing to the girl beside him. "What about you?"

"I slept great," she laughs, swinging their hands about. "You're a pretty comfortable bed."

He laughs a little, squeezing her hand, "well, I'm glad one of us slept good."

The group makes their way into the school, and down the hallway. As they're passing a pair of lockers, she notices a familiar group of boys causally leaned up against them. A sigh leaves her mouth just as Robin pulls away from her to confront them.

She already knew this would come eventually, so she simply tugs Finney back with her to watch as Robin confronts the 3 idiots that jumped him and his sister. His face shifts into slight concern as he realizes what's to come.

"Dipshits," Robin calls to them, quickly gaining their attention and making them stiffen up. "What the hell did I say about fucking with Finn?"

None of them say a single thing, just stare at him nervously.

"Are you deaf?" He raises his voice. "Or do I need to jog your memories?"

They still don't say anything, looking to each other with uncertainty. But when Robin grabs Matty, their appointed leader, and rams him into the locker, they all jump in fear.

"Apologize to Finn," he demands, moving to toss the boy behind him towards said boy.

Chris, as embarrassed as he is, cannot look up into Finney's eyes. However, he does comply, quickly uttering out a "sorry". His minions follow shortly after before scattering down the hallway.

Finney stands there awkwardly, but gives Robin an appreciative nod.

"Next time, promise me you'll fight back at least a little," Robin begs, taking his girlfriends hand back in his. "Even Valentina kicked ass yesterday."

The girl's eyes immediately widen and she turns to him shaking her head rapidly, but quickly stops when Finney turns to give her a confused expression.

"What? What do you mean?" He questions.

Robin takes note of her intensified expression, nervously responding, "ummmm....nothing. Never mind. My point is, it's alright to fight back."

"Tini, what is he talking about? Did you get into a fight?" He asks, refusing to drop the topic and giving her a demanding look.

She sighs, preparing herself for his wrath. "Yeah."

"Did they swing first?" He interrogates further, ignoring the awkward look that climbs onto Robin's face.

"....no," she admits with a frown, turning to him apologetically. "It was deserved though! She was talking down on Robin and Vance's names. Plus, we got it sorted out this and I didn't get caught."

He shakes his head, "still. You could've been. Or you could've been hurt. Or you could've-"

"But I wasn't," she argues back. "I know you worry, but try not to! I'm ok."

"Yeah, plus she totally kicked Lillian's ass," Robin snorts.

"Lillian?! You're the one who did that?!" He gives her a narrowed look. "Oh god. I feel like I need to put you in time out like you're four or something."

Valentina laughs lightly at that, stopping in front of her class. She reaches forward to pinch Finney's cheek, then leans over to kiss Robin lightly.

"See you both later! Behave," she waves.

"I'm the one who should tell you that!" Finney calls after her, watching her leave into the class.

Then, he turns to Robin with a narrowed look as they continue to walk to their own class together.

"What? What'd I do?" He questions with a nervous laugh.

"You better not encourage her to fight, Robin. She could get seriously hurt!" He warns, shaking his head. "It's different when you fight. Guys get praised, girls get judged."

Robin holds his hands up defensively, "alright, alright. I won't. I do gotta question though?"

"Shoot," Finney replies as they reach their class, going to take their seats.

"Why do you call her Tini?" He proceeds, setting out his journal and a pencil.

"Valen-tin-a," he annunciates back. "Then, it just turned into Tini. Also, she's small as hell, so it fits."

Robin laughs, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, she is. But she bites hard as fuck, I think she left a mark on my shoulder."

As he's rubbing the spot on his shoulder, he rethinks how she somehow managed to play out his own plan against him. Well, sort of. It was definitely less sexy than he intended, but still the same more or less.

"Well, bite her back," Finney suggests thoughtfully. "An eye for an eye."

"Oh, I am, trust me," he smirks playfully. "Probably when she's not expecting it. I can already imagine her face."

The teacher then walks in, and both boys settle into their seat to listen to the lesson. While Mr. Johnson is explaining some stupid formula he couldn't care less about, Robin shifts his attention to daydream about the previous events with his girlfriend.

Somehow, she had this way of making everything seem ok when it probably shouldn't. He should probably be crying, angry, avoiding everyone because of everything he's been through, but she makes him forget all that just by existing. In fact, he would go as far as to say that she makes him want to try to be happy. To try to overcome the things he's faced. Truly, Valentina brought light to his life he never expected.

When they initially met, he thought she had the potential to be a fling, but now he couldn't imagine going a day without seeing her. Without having her. Without being able to call her his.

Finn's pencil tapping the side of his desk makes him jump from his thoughts. He glances to him with a dazed look.

"Stop thinking about Valentina and pay attention!" He whisper yells, smiling widely.

Robin flushes red, shaking his head with a smile. Damn Finn knew him well.

"Whatever, I wasn't," he lies, whispering as well.

"Liar," Finney simply says, going back to his notes with a chuckle.

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